1: The Appointment

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CW ⚠️: self hate, ed, torture to a child, abuse, neglect, bullying, discrimination

Ranboo POV:

  It was about 7am when I woke up this morning. I woke up to a knock at my door, I assumed it was the ladies who work at the orphanage being forced to knock on my door by their boss, or a kid wanting to hurt me again. I'm a lot smaller than the other kids, so they pick on me a lot.

  I quickly got out of bed and opened my door to see the lady who normally calls us to breakfast, she looks down at me and scoffs before walking away; knowing what it meant I shut the door to go eat the already small amount of food I am even given. The other kids have always gotten more though I'm not complaining it just makes me less fat without seemingly chucking food away.

    I finish eating before the other kids and sit in the kitchen since I know I'm going to be forced to do the dishes, even though it burns my hands to do. The kids slowly start giving me their plates by putting them on the counter then leaving.

    After about half an hour the last kid put their plate away when the worker walked in. She looked down at me and scoffed again, putting me on a stool to reach the counter although not happy about it. She left me go onto the stool and stood outside to make sure I did nothing.

~Time skip an hour later~

  I finished the dishes and with bleeding hands I put them on the usual place as the workers don't have me put them away after breaking them the first time. I walked out the kitchen seeing the lady gone and walked out of the canteen to my room.

  When I walked in I saw how sad my room is, my bed was only a mattress in the corner with 2 blankets and a flat, old pillow; my bag for when I get adopted next to the bed; my colored pencils I stole from the meeting room for the families in the bag hidden; my closet door broken after the ladies found me hiding in there; my window cracked from people throwing things around after breaking into my room; my clothes in my closet weren't too bad but they looked worse than they felt, my favorite clothing was my one hoodie from the only nice family I had before everything went downhill. I shuddered at the thought of remembering the 2 women I had lost. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at my door.

I walked over to the door to see a different worker. She saw me and looked at me to tell me to get dressed quickly, I have a meeting with a family. I quickly nodded and slowly shut the door to walk over to the closet. I grabbed my hoodie overtop my t-shirt, threw on a pair of ripped jeans that weren't supposed to be ripped but I'd rather say they were on purpose, and put on my dirty red converse. I quickly brushed my hair to seem better and pulled the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands slightly covering them. I looked at the time and quickly grabbed my bag with my drawing supplies to wait for the family.

I walked out the door and shut it, looking back at the lady who was now a different lady, the first one probably got tired of waiting and sent her up here, she grabbed my already injured hands tightly and dragged me to the meeting room pretty much throwing me in there saying I made them wait for too long. I fell on the ground and saw 4 men run towards me slowly picking me up. The lady left slamming the door scaring me.

I was sat gently on the seat by the father I assumed, he had medium length blonde hair and was wearing a green jacket with a green and white bucket hat, with large black wings on his back, it was fascinating to me, while they sat on the other side of the small table and started talking. "Ello mate, I'm philza and these are my sons". The older said to me, "The oldest is Techno" gesturing to the tall male with long pink hair and pig like features. "He's 19, likes to fight, write, and read." He finished, before gesturing to the second son, he had brown floofy hair, a yellow sweater, and a red beanie." This is my second son, Wilbur, hes 18 and he likes music, guitar, and writing." The man named Philza finished once again gesturing to the youngest son, he had blonde hair similar to Phil's hair but more yellow?, he had a red and white t-shirt and jeans on, he had raccoon ears and a tail waving slightly behind him. "This is Tommy he's the youngest he's 16 and likes running, and the outdoors" Phil finished, he seemed to remember something, "oh! Also we all like to game on our computers, we all stream a game called minecraft." Phil said smiling towards me. I looked at him with a confused look and asked him quickly, " what's gaming, a computer, and streaming, are they a type of outdoor game you need many players with?" The men looked back at me with an...odd look, they looked shocked but the look soon faded to a natural expression.
"Well can you tell us about you child?" Phil said smiling. He seemed nice but looks can be deceiving. "Well, my name is Ranboo, I am 6, I am a half enderman and half something else hybrid, umm I like draw, read, write, play with the limited toys I'm given, and I can't touch water. I've bounced homes before so I'm used to rejection you can look at other kids if you'd like." I mumbled most of the sentences.
I slowly started to get up only to fall on the floor with a loud thump. The men ran over to me to help me up it didn't hurt to bad. I was used to pain anyways. The men asked if I was ok to which I just nodded slightly. The men and hugged me tightly and when they let go they asked me a question I never been asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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