3. Eng translation

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„Neil!” Nikki yelled in Neil's direction. „I've a task! It's to hand you this. The one who wrote it was too afraid to give it to ya.” She had a scrambled paper in her hand.

„And who wrote it?” Neil inquired. Nikki's eyebrows lowered.

„I think Max did, but I'm not sure.” And then she just stood there in ignorant bliss, waiting for what's in the letter.

„Hey, isn't this some sort of privacy?” Neil asked as he looked at Nikki angrily.

„Oh, right, sorry.” Nikki realised and hopped away. Neil opened the letter and read it. Like five times. He blushed so much, he started looking like a tomato. But... Max doesn't love anything.

Dear Neil,
don't tell anyone! Or I'll kill you, like I did with David. (Alright I didn't kill David, but i really fucking wanted to.) I don't want to sound like a girl, buut I'm blushing while I'm writing this. I fucking love you, you moron!

He didn't have to sign the paper; Neil knew it was from Max. But he didn't believe it. Max was acting a bit weird lately. He blushed a lot. But this?

„So... What?” A voice was heard behind Neil.



„I- I don't know. I don't know what to say, for real. It's weird.” Neil and Max were both afraid they'd hurt the other, but while Max was afraid of what Neil would do, Neil was afraid of Max.

„I'll understand if you don't feel the same way. I mean I am a dick and all.” Max was hoping for a yes, but Neil didn't look like it.

„Let me guess. This is a joke? Oh no, you wouldn't keep it up for so long if it was. I guess there's a chance you mean this. Like, hypothetically. But-”

Max rested his hands on Neil's shoulders and looked into his eyes. They were so close, yet so far.

„Fuck...” Neil cursed as he blushed. They didn't notice it, but there was a deafening silence between them. Who's only cutter were their heartbeats and heavy breathes. Who's gonna go in first?

Neil nodded a little. He was about to smile, but Max was already on his tippy toes. He didn't wait a second longer and joined his lips with the quivering pink lips belonging to the boy standing in front of him. Neil's eyes widened; he liked it. They broke off.

„I... I like you and... And I don't want to change that. It's... It's-”

„It's okay.” Neil smiled and blushed. Max blushed too and took Neil's hand.


Neil and Max, newly nicknamed boyfriends, were sitting next to each other while Nikki sat across from them.

„Sooo what was in that letter?” Nikki asked.

They both nearly spat out their food. They froze.

„Well, uh, aaah...” Neil was trying to stutter something out, but Max put a hand on his shoulder so he'd stop.

„We're dating.” Max simply stated.

„Shit, Max!” Neil punched the table.


„Well you can't just say that! Warn me or something! Besides, in your letter-”

„Fuck my letter. What's wrong with saying it?”

„Well, just about EVERYTHING! Maybe she's homophobic.

„She's a lesbian.”

Nikki was just staring with a blank face. After a while she just smiled and stood up.

„Hi, bye, I'm... sick.”

„Nikki?” They both said.

„Great! You scared off Nikki.” Neil pestered.

„Aw shit. I'm going after her.” Max stood up, kissed Neil on the cheek and left too.

Nerris hustled next to Neil.

„Sooo, spill the tea.”


„Nikki? You ok?” Nikki was sitting on the ground next to the cafeteria, her back rested against the building wall.

„Yeah...” But she wasn't. She was hurt, and angry. And sad.

„Don't lie to me!”

„Go aw... Ahhh, I'm scared.”

„What do you uh. Mean?” Max sat down next to Nikki. He wasn't good at comfort. Maybe Neil should've gone instead.

„I'm scared what this is going to do to us. We're a trio! And i should've... Known. Because you two hang together a lot. So of course you're dating. But- But what if you leave me behind now? What if I'm not good enough again?” Nikki sobbed.

„Shit, well, uhh... I mean you've got Ered. And your like... Adventure group? Um...” Max reached his hand out, but Nikki was crying and he got scared. He pulled it back.

„But it's... Not the same. I like you guys the most! I guess it was just wishful thinking, that we'd stay together forever...” Max furrowed his eyebrows.

„...No. It wasn't. This isn't gonna change anything!” Max stood up, „Sure we're gonna be gay now but you're acting like we weren't before! We're not gonna fucking abandon you, you idiot! What dick would do that?!” Nikki, teary eyed, looked up. She saw Max offering her his hand. She took it and he helped her up.

„O-okay Max. I'm gonna trust you.”

„Sure, whatever. Now let's go catch the nerd and do something. As a trio.”

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