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It has been a few days since I kissed Nancy. I was to scared to face her. So I was just ignoring her. I knew that it wasn't a good idea to do that. But i had no choice. What if she hated me. I couldn't stand the thought of Nancy hating me.

I went to work. It was a Saturday so it was pretty busy. Until one specific person showed up. Nancy. I didn't look in her direction. I was to scared to. Until she asked me something. "Hey uhm... Robin? Can we... talk?"

I hesitated "Yes." I sighed

We went to the back of the store. I was to nervous to even look her in the eye. We stayed in silence for a little while until Nancy said something. "So about the other night."

I was getting really nervous so I started fidgeting with my fingers. Then Nancy held my hand. I looked up. She was smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back. She was so cute.

"Look Robin I know that you're embarrassed about you kissing me. But it's okay. I... I like you Robin. You're cute, funny, and even if your not good with helping people with their emotions, you try hard to help them. She leaned in and kissed me.
A few days later I went to Steve's house. He invited me over to his house so they could watch a movie. Eddie was there. And Nancy showed up too. Steve and Eddie were cuddling on the couch. Nancy fell asleep on my shoulder. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. I tried not to move even a little so I wouldn't wake her up.

We ended up staying the night at Steve's. I just stayed on the couch with Nancy because I didn't want to wake her up. Eddie and Steve went to his room.

In the morning Nancy wakes up. She tried not to wake me up when she got up but failed. "Nance?" I questioned

"Yeah Robin?"

"what are we?" i asked in a raspy voice

"I mean I don't know we can be whatever you want to be."

"Alright then you're my girlfriend." I smiled

Nancy went over to the kitchen and made breakfast. I went upstairs to go tell Steve and Eddie that there was food. But when I walked in they were already awake. And trust me, you don't wanna know what they were doing.

I walked back downstairs with my eyes wide. "Robin you look like you've just seen a ghost. What happened." Nancy asked

"I-I-I walked in on Steve and Eddie, doing 'it'."

Nancy started laughing at me. Then she kissed me on the cheek. "It's okay. Let's just eat without them."

When we were done we were washing dishes and Nancy saw something out the window. "OH MY GOSH!!! ROBIN COME LOOK COME LOOK!"


She found a kitten and she was getting all excited. She walked outside and brought it inside. It was a cute cat. She handled it real gently. She gave it a bath and then named it. She decided to name him Oscar.

Again I'm so sorry for not writing as much. I'm trying to learn how to play Guitar. And I just have no motivation. So im sorry if I don't do it as much. But I'm trying to do it more!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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