Shot Number 1

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I feel myself quiver as if a chill wind has passed through my curtains as it escapes the cold outdoors into the entrance of my home. The ache starts low, longing, coursing through me before it turns into an aching throb. He knows the effect he has on me. His passionate intense stare seems to tear itself through my body. I stand fixed, unable to move, my eyes trained on his. Watching as his eyes make their way painfully, slowly down me. He starts like he always does; eyes locking into mine with their burning intensity. Slowly breaking the contact to travel down my chest. Stopping at my breasts. I lick my lips nervously, sure that he can see my nipples through the white v-neck tee that I’m wearing. I shift nervously, suddenly not knowing what to do with my hands. Still damp from my shower, and beyond aroused, they’ve left wet spots on each breast around the nipples. I try to act like I’m itching myself in a fake effort to rub away my erect nipple. To no avail. 

“Stop.” His voice serious, demanding. Ordering me to leave my body as it is for his viewing pleasure. I shift my feet and grind my thighs together trying desperately to gain some relief. He sees me, though I was trying to be discreet and takes a step closer. “You are not to give yourself any relief. The first hands to touch you will be mine. Understand?” I nod my head. Almost to the point of tears with the frustration and need for release building inside me. 

He reaches me at an agonizingly slow pace. Step by step, stopping as he nears, less than an inch before me. I can feel the warmth of his body radiating from him, yet he still doesn’t touch me. I want to scream, “TOUCH ME DAMMIT”, but I refuse to show desperation. It’s always so much better when they are the one pursuing you. More passionate, more, more! 

He reaches under my chin and tilts my head to look up at him. The first contact he’s made yet and my body sets alight like a fire, tingling profusely at his electrifying touch. “I want you to look at me, not breaking eye contact once. No closing your eyes or looking away. I want them open when your tight little pussy comes.” 

I swallow, trying to break the lump forming inside my throat making it hard to breathe. “Strip for me”, he says huskily, stepping back slightly to remove his belt. I slowly begin to raise my tshirt up over my head. “No”, he commands, “pants first.” I slip off my pants revealing a lacy set of panties fit to my physique. He licks his lips hungrily. “Over here”, he commands, leading me to our large open shower with black marble stone lining the inside. He turns the water on and bids his eyes for me to step underneath the water. I do so, and as I do I seductively swipe my hair back and tilt my head up to the warm stream. “Are you comfortable?” he asks. “Yes”, I manage to blurt out. He reaches over me to turn the water colder. I feel my nipples begin to harden more, as if that was even possible. Each bead of cold water sharply hits my tits, causing my nipples to be painfully erect. 

He moans softly, a deep, beastly sound. I open my eyes to see him taking off his belt. “Panties off”, he commands. I slip them off daring to try my own seductive idea for his pleasure. I loop the panties several times around my hand, making almost a softer version of a hair tie like object. I eye his large cock that has swollen and is visibly throbbing from beneath his underwear. I take a step towards him, testing the waters to see if he will allow me to touch him. He does, so I inch forward while maintaining my own eye contact. I get before him and slide myself down his chest, abs, and legs before meeting a kneeling position before him. I reach up and remove his boxers. His cock springs forth and slaps my wet lips. He lets out a small gasp of surprise and pleasure, and what I am hoping is his approval. I swirl my tongue around the tip of his large member before sliding my makeshift cock ring to his base. Who knew hair ties would come in handy to such a degree! 

Suddenly he turns off the water and yanks me from the shower, dragging me to the large king size bed.

 It matches the rest of our interior, with its dark marble bedding, black wide canopy, and black fuzzy rugs underneath the feet of the bed. An interior fit for a king, I chide myself. Or a sex cave, my inner consciouse hums. 

He takes me to the end of the bed, pushing me down face first onto its douve whilst simultaneously spreading my legs with his knee. I hear the sound of his belt jangling in his hands before he shifts and brings it down onto my ass. I scream out, unexpecting such quick contact, as he usually likes to draw these things out. He spreads my legs out further so that my whole ass and pussy is on display for him. Grabbing a pillow, he shoves it under my low abdomen so that my pussy is open and angled up towards him. I hear shifting once more just before he brings the belt down on my wet pussy. It stings with such intensity I jump upwards trying to crawl up the bed. He grabs me, bringing me back and does it again, and again, and again. He stops and runs the belt through his hands. “You're so wet”, he chides approvingly, lifting his now dripping with your juices hand, from his belt. He moves to your side slightly so you can see as he lifts his fingers to his mouth and sucks on them. Lapping up all of your juices. 

Before I  know what is happening, he slams his long hard cock into your tight, spaceless hole. I moan out his name, “y/n, y/n oh GOD.” I cum with such intensity that I’m sure it’s my pussy and my clit all at once, it’s too much to handle, and I can’t hold back; crying out his name, I squirt on his hard cock inside me. Oozing and gushing out of me and around his hard member still inside me. He keeps pounding away reaching around me with one hand to grab my neck and hold it upwards and using the other to grab my tit. He begins to rub his thumb and pointer finger around your nipple. Tugging and pulling at it, until I cum there too. He begins to pound faster and I know he’s close. His balls following rhythm as they slap my clit with each thrust. He cries out and clamps his hands tightly around my neck and the other fixated firmly around my breast. I know it’s huge as his nails dig into my tits skin and the hand around my neck tightens, rushing the blood to my head. I feel him intensely pump me full as his cock twitches inside of me before stilling. 

We stay like this, him inside me, for I don’t know how long, before he slowly pulls out of me. Spreading my legs once more to look at my cum coated pussy, our juices mixing as his drip out from inside of me, he smiles in approval.


I wake up with a start and look around to gather my bearings. I’m home, in my bed. Everything is normal. I sigh with relief and shift to go back to sleep when I feel a sensation between my legs. I reach down and realize I’m soaked beyond belief between my legs. I gasp, I came in my sleep! That has never in my life happened before, I think to myself. 

I must find this mystery man. I must, I must, I must.

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