Shot Number 2

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Maybe he doesn’t exist. Maybe it all really was just a wet dream. A fantasy never to come true. But dreams are our subconscious replaying events right? Or predicting ones to come? So I just can't choose to believe that.

It’s all that’s been able to enter my mind. Consuming and devouring my thoughts. My desire for him. My desire and lust for all that he is and stands for. I want him.

“Y/n? Care to join in on the topic?” I didn't even realize that I’d zoned out completely in class. I snap my attention up towards the teacher; “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch what we were discussing”, I said embarrassingly. I shift in my seat nervously under her disapproving gaze, only to realize I’m uncomfortably soaked. I quickly pull my school’s uniformed skirt down as far to my knees as it will go in my sitting position. “May I get up to use the bathroom?” I manage to squeak out. The teacher nods her head and I get up, careful to keep my skirt positioned so as to not allow my wetness to drip down my legs when I stand to walk out of the classroom.

I head down the hall to the bathroom and enter it. Nobody is in here. I check the clock hanging on the white bland walls, ten till the end of class. At this point there’s not really a point in going back so I decide to just wait it out in the bathroom. It doesn’t really matter anyway cause the teacher posted our homework in the portal.

I wash my hands, completely forgetting my original reason for coming in here was to go into a stall and clean up. I sigh frustratingly as I turn to go back into the stall while deciding maybe I’ll just take an extra minute anyway. Class would be letting out very shortly and I didn’t exactly want to run into my teacher in the halls and get questioned as to why I didn't return.

I go into the family bathroom quietly and shut the door before turning on the light. It’s a one stall room so nice and private, no students or teachers will be coming in. If I remember correctly it even doubles as a nursing room for some of the young mom teachers who are nursing their kiddos and have them in daycare here while they teach classes. I turn the light on, but some of the bulbs are out so it only turns on partially, Casting a dim light across the small space.

I gasp with surprise as I turn around and see a dimly lit figure in the background. “OH!” I exclaim, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was in here.” The figure turns around and I can make it out a bit better now. A tall, well toned, long haired... MAN?? I try to fumble my way to the door while apologizing profusely, but he takes a step forward. “Wait, don’t go just yet.” You’re my neighbor. Next door. Did you know that?” My hand falls from the door lock to unlock it and instead drops to my side. “Oh, no I didn’t.” I mutter quietly. “I didn’t know about you either,” he says. “Until last night.” I look at him questioningly. “I don’t understand.”

He takes a step forward, eliminating the last small bit of space that was between us; pressing me directly against a wall, if I’m to maintain any distance at all between our bodies. I can feel his breath tickle my ear as he puts an arm out onto the wall directly next to me and leans in towards my ear. I let out a small gasp. I’ve never been in a situation like this before. “Well I beg to differ. Seeing as though you moan out my name in your sleep.” I’m grasping, flailing my arm out for the light switch to turn it on. I find it and the light flickers on. He stands upright and takes a step back.

“It’s not what it sounds like.” I mutter. “Hmm, maybe not. But it definitely is what it looks like. You think it didn’t peek my attention? That I didn’t hear you? Or that when I did I drew aside my curtains and through the backlight of your red tainted salt rock through your sheer curtains I couldn’t see you grinding against your bed frame, gripping your thighs? Or when you are fingering yourself in your bed as you sleep? The moonlight casting a beautiful glow on your naked body as you lay there temptingly for me to see.

Embarrassed beyond belief, I’m sure by now my face is beat red. I don’t have words to say. No thought can come to mind. I just widen my eyes and look at him. It’s the best I can do, maintaining eye contact is difficult enough.

“I know what you want. I know what you fantasize about.” He begins to slide his fingers up my thigh highs and to the hem of my skirt. I feel them brush my thigh and the slow, familiar ache begins once more. “I know your pussy is humming, I feel it against my knee,” he says. Has he no shame?? No embarrassment for the things he says?

He steps back and turns towards the door, leaving me even more soaked than before, and knees shaking.

“Later.” The only words that leave his mouth before walking out the door and leaving me with my own thoughts. I stand there, in shock. And worse yet, shame and embarrassment. Embarrassment that I secretly wanted more. I didn’t want him to stop. I can’t take the tension and sexual build anymore. I drop my panties to the floor, leaving on my thigh highs and skirt on in case I need to quickly step out if someone needs in. I lay onto the sofa and slowly move my hand down, teasing my nipples through my shirt first. I love the way that the rough fabric feels on them. I finger my clit with my wet juices. Lubing up my hands before inserting first one, then two fingers. I finger bang myself until I cum. Hard and fast. That’s how it is when the tension and build up is long and extensive.

I get up to wash my hands. Through the mirror I realize in my haste to get off I must have not shut the door and locked it the rest of the way. I hope nobody walked by or tried to get in and I just didn’t realize. I step out glancing around. The halls seem to be empty. I let out a sigh of relief before turning the corner to leave.

I let out a scream when on the other side of the corner there he is. Looking at his phone. I hear the distinct sound of whimpers and moans. The closer I listen, I realize, they aren’t just any moans. They’re mine!

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