Chapter 2: the pretty girl

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Zelina POV (first person:

I go back to taking orders from the douchebags who come into this McDonalds at 12 am and act like absolute assholes, and that's when I see four boys come in. Three of them look almost identical besides from haircuts. The other seems like he's just a very good friend of one of them, holding one of their hands and all. But I know that the identical trio of boys had to be triplets. It was obvious.

But there was one that caught my attention more than the other. I don't know if it was his beautiful ocean fire ice blue eyes or the way he smiled when he laughed, the sound bellowing out from his diaphragm showing it was genuine, but something about him, it caught my eye.

"You bitch you going to take my order or not." the person who was infront of me started to yell.

"Umm, ye--"

"Yo what the fuck. Don't treat her like that." The one that originally caught my attention defended. The dude who was being rude left and then the triplet who defended me said, "My names Matt by the way."

"I'm Zelina, anyway, what can I get you?"

The four people ordered. As I tapped the options they ordered like fries and mcnuggets that definitely weren't real or legit chicken, I kept glancing up at Matt.

His piercing dangled from his ear, and he had a forest green shirt to compliment his shoes. His gray sweatshirt and black jeans were kind of boring alone, but on him, he could be the next most acclaimed fashion model.

"Can I get your number?" I asked accidentally. Dammit, Dammit, Dammit. How...

"Why?"  the ends of Matt's lips perking up in a smirk and chuckle. He looked me up and down and I could feel myself shiver under his gaze. He was so amazing.

"For the order." I smiled trying to play it off as neccesary for getting their food.

" it is..."

As he recited his number it was like a symphony. I was mesmerized by his beautiful voice as it rang in my ears.

All he did was smile as he walked away waving a little goodbye.

Matt's POV (third person because I decided for real people its third):

 "Who was that girl?" Chris asked.

"Not who. What." Matt smiled. He couldn't stop thinking about her now. She was so pretty and not like the other girls. Nor like the pick me girls. She was just a girl in a mcdonalds. A mcdonalds girl. Her pretty red brown hair like unoxygenated blood. Her pretty emerald, blue eyes that turned green in some lights because she was almost like a magical creature, such as a fairy.

And thats when he got a text.

Your foods here.

And Matt picked up the food. But when he walked up and Zelina handed the food to him, their hands brushed and the butterflies in his stomach sent electricity through his body. He was supposed to be calm. Like a tiktok pov fboy but no...he was just as nervous and filled with panic as Zelina had to be. And he couldn't stop his emotions from bleeding through.

Nick's POV:

Nick noticed his brother acting a little strange. He didn't think that much of it until they got into the car to record the fanfic reading video. Nick watched as Matt kept switching to messages instead of being on wattpad for their fanfiction needs for the video content.

Matt would smile. He would laugh. And it was very difficult to get his attention despite all of the efforts of Nick reading the crappy fanfics and Chris making jokes while Lukas looked disgusted.

Matt's POV:

When Matt and everyone else reached the car there was a text on his phone from Zelina. Matt smiled. Wow. He thought.

Thats gonna be what this chapter is. Next one I decided is drama with Chris and his girlfriend because drama.

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