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Duryodhana, who saw vrishketu coming on his horse with so much anger becomes heart broken at the sight of his state. He doesn't know what's he going to say vrishketu, who is a son to him about his father's death, but he makes him heart strong and wants to be vrishketu right in these moment , there is nothing else important to him than vrishketu.

He slowly reaches vrishketu and held his hand with him and squeeze it lightly, then place a hand on his shoulder.

Duryodhana: Putra vrishketu, I am really sorry, it's all because of me didn't it, I can't able to protect your father, finally today in these war, i lost my closest friend and a brother.

Vrishketu, when he reaches the battlefield directly moves to his father,where he lays back in the sands of his own blood, his surroundings become slowly unconscious for him, he only focus on his father.

suddenly, someone come infront of him an place a hand on his shoulder,he turns back and saw his uncle, the state of his uncle makes him sad, in the past how his uncle was always walks like a lion in the jungle with so much courage and valour on his eyes , literally broken and in misery now, then he listens to what his uncle is saying and becomes angry.

No, vrishketu roars like a lion with rage to duryodhana and everyone who comes around him and duryodhana startled by his outburst. They don't saw vrishketu like these in there entire life, he is a sweet and innocent boy.

Vrishketu: No uncle, don't say it's your fault, you are not the reason for my father's death. He literally knows he is going to die in these battle today uncle. He is already ready to give his life for you, but it's all because of the deceits done by the Pandavas and fate.

Duryodhana: That Pandavas, they are not like what you think, how can I say it from my mouth.

Vrishketu, who saw his uncle struggling with something to say, understand immediately, what he wants to say.

Vrishketu: I know, my father explained everything to me last night, before coming to these war.

Duryodhana: Then why Putra, you don't come to me and explain everything , then these death doesn't happen to my friend, my brother, if i know about him before hand, i will definitely make him a king to these entire aryavart, then he doesn't die like these today, or else you too thought i am going to reject you and your father like everybody else.

Vrishketu: Uncle don't say like that, after my father i Know you very well, you are one of the important friend he has in his life and you are like my father.

You know my father very well, he is not having any greed for throne or any kingdom at all, he just wants his skill and valor to be acknowledged by these society and he wants to prove , there is no reason for low born people to learn and have knowledge about warfare and arts. His most important goal in his life to make you a samrat of entire aryavart and be with you always like a true friend.

He makes that decision not today or yesterday, when did you make him a king of Anga on that day on the competition between Rajkumars and get rid of humiliation infront of the people and make a path for him to show his talents, he dedicated his entire life to you in that moment.

So, that's why uncle even though, he knows the truth about him even before the battle and when shree krishna comes to him and offers everything to him from an entire Kingdom to fame, he doesn't accept his request, his birth mother comes back and ready to claim him infront of everyone, he doesn't accept, because for my father his true family is you and yours only and he choose his dharma fir friendship over everything.

Then how come, i can say these truth to you
" I am my father's son in every blood and cell"

Duryodhana: Vrish your words are making me cry and bring happiness to me at the same time. I am really blessed and did a great punya in my past life to have him as my friend, but i lost that gem and everything now, maybe it's my fault, if i don't cross my limit in that dyut sabha, it do not happen like these.

By now most of the people from Kauravas side come near duryodhana and shocked by his words. The duryodhana who doesn't accept his mistakes easily and doesn't tolerate his humility asks sorry and accept his mistake. It's shows the gravity of the situation and how much he was broken by his friends death.

Vrishketu don't have any words for what his uncle says lastly, because it was a very wrong t and grave thing happened in that dyut sabha, but it's not entirely his father's and uncles fault, the Pandavas did more mistakes on that day, but they don't face the death for that on the other hand his entire family has lost there lifes on these Ill fated battlefield and it's not the only solution for there mistakes.

Duryodhana: Putra vrish what are you going to do, whatever happens the Pandavas are going to come back and when they saw and going to know about who you are, they definitely wants you with them, because karna is there elder brother.

Duryodhana says the last word with a venoum
and bitter in his tongue.

Vrishketu: with the red eyes , uncle Stop saying they are my father's brothers and my relatives they are nothing to me.

Duryodhana becomes sad, he thought if vrishketu knows the truth, he is going to accept Pandavas as his uncle and going to be with them, he become happy after listening to vrishketu's words.

Duryodhana: what are you saying vrish, i don't understand, how is these possible?

Vrishketu: My father doesn't accept them as his brothers, because after everything what they did to my father, how is it possible even though they have the same birth mother, they are all accepted by late king pandu and born to kunti after her marriage but my father he is born to her before her marriage and to lord Surya Narayan and she abandoned my father on the first day of his birth, she lost all of her rights on him on that day, so for me she is not my grandmother and the Pandavas are not my uncles.

For my father you, shon and ashwathama are the only brothers he has in his life.

How can I forget all the insults and mockery,they did to my father and my family in every situation and they are the reasons for my father's and brothers death especially Arjun. For me they are nothing but my enemies, that's all. I don't have anything to do with them, maybe they can forget easily and move on their life, because my father forgives them, but not me i am the one who got affected by them.

Duryodhana finally broked down and holds vrishketu tightly with his chest. It's enough for him, even though he lost his son and all of his brothers. Vrishketu is going to continue these lost battle and avenge for them, he knows he is going to die tomorrow by deceit, shree krishna going to make sure of that, he don't even want to live in these world after his brothers and friends death.

Finally breaks his hug from his uncle duryodhana, vrishketu move towards his father with a slowly taken steps, when he reaches near karna, The Vijaya Bow stays near his father's side becomes a jolt of energy and comes inside him, he stumbled for a second to grasp everything about the knowledge of the Vijaya Bow and how to calls it back to him, but he doesn't have a wish to have that bow with him, he respects that bow deeply, because it's his lord Shiva's and then his father's bow, he feels blessed to have it with him, but he has a work to do.

It's not his bow and he knows his father's last wish to return that bow to his guru dev, that's why these bow has come to him in the first place. He folds his hand and prays to lord Shiva in his mind for a second, then sees his father.

Even in his death, he has a calm and divine aura around him, he touches his father's leg with his forehead and pays his last respect to his father

He then saw the sun pendant around his father's neck and feels a similar feeling of his father in that pendant, he don't know why he takes that pendant and put it around his neck.

It's the last thing he is going to have of his father and somewhat seems attached to that pendant already.

He stops his cries in front of his father, he is not going to be a naive and weak boy anymore. He is going to remember his father's enemies, who's son he is and shows them the true meaning of battle and revenge....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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