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∞ At first I would like to clarify some things: This is NOT a diary, I write down here some of my deepest memories and feelings, my memoirs, which I am not able , or allowed to put into words , because I am afraid , if I did, my family would definetely strangle me to death. This Idea belongs to my uncle, so please don't expect me to write and hear the usual things like „DEAR DIARY" , I think I am going to call you Lucas.

Dear Lucas

I really don't understand, what my dear uncle Alphard was thinking, when he got me this present. But of course I didn't show my disappointment, put up a smile and said a politely thanks, like it was expected from me, because I am the good son. I will try to think of it as useful, even though I doubt that someday I will become famous and anyone wants to read the thoughs and memories of my younger self.

Couldn't he just gave me a broom for christmas, like he gave to Sirius? Surely not, because instead of a broom, I got this small empty black leather notebook with the title „Diary" on it in silver capital letters, a really nice and great present for a ten year old boy, NOT...

But on the other point of view: I think Mum and Dad got into enough trouble already with uncle Alphards present to Sirius, when my brother in the white heat oft he moment started to fly around with his new broom in our dining room, ignoring Mum's shouting to come back down, and to prove her wrong that he was indeed a good flyer, but honestly no one in our family was. He flew around our christmas tree, knocked it off and
and tore the solemn table with it, causing a power outage in the entire neighborhood.

It seemed like Alphard, Sirius and I were the only one, who could laugh at this situation. I couldn't hide some small giggles and got my payback for it. But our uncle, the lucky one, received only a warning glare from our mother, while Sirius and I got send back to our rooms, for the rest oft he day , wihout dinner , and this on christmas, I mean come on, honestly, shouldn't this day be holy? Unfair, truly!

The only good thing is, that Sirius came back home, for christmas holidays, I have missed him terribly, during his time in Hogwarts. However everything has changed since his departure to Hogwarts, especially him and I haven't figured it out yet if this is a good or a bad thing.

He is talking about his new friends mostly, I am surprised I am not sick of it yet, especially some James Potter is mentioned often.

Siri is talking so much of him, that I feel like, I know him already by myself. But when I made fun of my brother for talking about Jamie this much,that he seems to be in love, I only received a painful headnut. Our parents doesn't seem to be so fond oft he fact that Sirius is a Gryffindor now and not a Slytherin, as expected, they called it a desaster and disgrace to our family, but even worse of it seems tob e Sirius new friends to them, they call them bloodtraitors and halfbreads- no, not hat wasn't it something like halfbreeds and halfbloods , scum and hostages of magical society , words I am pretty sure , shouldn't be heard by ears of children , especially not at our young age.

Since this moment, arguments are a daily routine in the noble and most ancient house of Black, not even „holy" christmas was spared...

That's us the „Blacks", a terribly nice and harmnony addicted family. And myself and I? I guess we are just somewhere in between.


Little Prince

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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