So what really happened.....?

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The storm was big, dusty and one of the scariest one's Tunip had ever been in. The only thing floating around his mind was. 'Keep the vegimals safe. You're the responsible one.'

It was hard being the oldest one. It was even harder having 10 siblings hanging around your shoulder and having to be the one to look after them all. He squinted looking for the octonauts but he couldn't find anyone. He felt so relieved when he saw Barrot, Tomminow and Grouber huddling together. Dust was in his mouth, eyes and basically everywhere. He tried not to lose sight of them. He held onto their hands. They were relieved to find their older brother. They felt safe now that he was here.

Then he saw what looked to be Paani's duffle bag. He ran up to it, but there was no sight of Paani. He heaved it onto his back up in case he found him.

"Cheepa, cheepa!" He motioned for the three vegimals to follow him and not run off. Then he spotted the younger vegimals who were hiding underneath a broken gup part. After a good search and rescue, he had found all the vegimals. Well. . . . almost all the vegimals. Codish, their clumsy yet adorable brother was still missing. He felt sick with worry. What if they can't find him?

Suddenly, a piece of metal flew right into his face.


He felt a little woozy. What was happening? Oh that's right. They were in the middle of a sandstorm looking for Codish and the others. But when he fluttered his eyes open, that sure wasn't what was happening. He saw that Paani's duffle bag was opened and Grouber was giving the vegimals each a muesli bar.

"Barrot, what's going on? Where are we?" He mumbled in Vegimalese.

"Oookay, so long story but, you got knocked out by this hunk of metal which we took cuz it could be useful, so anyway we ran away from the storm, well not ran, more like walked really slowly because we had to carry you because, did i mention you got knocked out? Oh and it's a good thing you found this duffle bag because without it, we probably won't be able to survive the night, wherever we are. By the way we can't find Shellington and the others." He rambled then breathed in and out, out of breath.

Tunip blinked a couple of times, not just because he felt dizzy from passing out, but because all this information basically got thrown at his face.

"Wait, did you manage to find Codish?" He asked in immediate realisation.

"Wait, Codish isn't here?" Grouber began in his raspy voice "I swear I remember him carrying you up with us."

"To be fair, he is sort of forgettable." Tominnow added in a shy voice.

Tunip couldn't believe what he was hearing! Here he was, the older sibling who never forgets anyone yet here's an example of their siblings memory!

"What are we waiting for?! We have to go find them-" He stood up then fell down as vertigo clouded his tired brain.

"I don't think we should do anything, you're hurt and we don't want anything else to happen to you." Tomminow rubbed his back.

"Okay, fair point."

The younger vegimals had fallen asleep and it was getting late.

"Hmm, We're on some sort of sand dune thingy." Barrot rubbed his chin. "We walked quite a bit which was kind of stupid considering we could be miles away from everyone else."

"By the way, thanks for saving me, I don't know what I would've done without you all."

"You would've died, but that's just what I think." Barrot chuckled.

That night, the vegimals huddled together. The desert was freezing, they relied on cuddles and hugs to keep themselves warm.

Tunip was worrying all night. Was Codish okay? Were the rest of the octonauts okay? Will he be strong enough to protect his siblings? What if they don't make it? Will they ever find their friends again? Too many questions that life cannot answer right now.

"Grouber? You awake?" He whispered to a snoring purple vegimal who was slightly drooling. He rolled his eyes and turned to Barrot.

"Before you ask, yes, I'm awake and no I'm totally not freaking out or anything hahaha." The sunfish orange vegimal laughed uneasily.

"Barrot, what is wrong with you?! Be serious and help me out." He frowned

"I am! Do you think I don't care about what's happening right now?"

"You always act like you don't care!"

"Yes, and I don't care what you think!"

"Break it up. You guys are too loud!" Tominnow whined.

"I'm sorry Tunip, I'm just really worried. The Octonauts will find us, right?"

Tunip didn't say anything. Instead, he turned around and bit his lip.

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