Chapter 1 : In the moonlight

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 I'm going to end it

"I'm going to jump," said a feverish and insecure voice, the words breaking the silence of the night. She was on the Bellefontaine Bidge in St. Louis, it as dark, a light breeze was cooling the air, a full moon lit up the bridge. "I want to be free," the soft voice continued, holding a star-shaped pendant. She dropped it and shakily climbed onto the railing, she held onto a rusty bar beside her and she looked down into the void, a ten-meter drop that ended in the Missouri.

"I'm going to join you Justin, and finally be free, I'll be a star," she said in a weaker and weeping voice, "it's their..."

"Anyway you don't have the balls to jump, if you want to do it, do it well," said a deep voice form below deck."

"Who's talking ? I'm going to do it, I'm going to jump," she resumed surprised with a hint of incomprehension.

She looked around and saw no one, "I must be crazy, since no one listens to me anyway" she tought. She let go of the bar she was holding and she stepped forward into the void.

"Jump princess, no one will miss you," said the voice.

"I'll do it, you'll have my death on your conscience," she retorted.

"I'll deal with it, don't make excuses.

"I'm really going to jump."

"So do it, or I'll come up with you and we'll talk over a beer."

She looked around, saw stirring foliage and detected a shadow. He came forward, he was of medium height, with black hair and wearing a black leather jacket. She stood petrified by the void, he reached out and took her hand, she took it and stepped over the railing.

"You weren't really going to jump after all," he said with a wry smile.

Her foot slipped, the young man caught her.

"You almost made it in the end."

She smiled and put her hair back in place which covered her face. His presence calmed her mind, and he offered her a beer, but she refused.

"So why are you here?" he asked.

"Are you seriously kidding me?" she said with a look of misunderstanding and judgment.

"I mean what made you come?"

"Why should I tell you, I don't know you."

"Since you were going to crash in front of me, I feel like i know you more than most of your acquaintances."

"You don't know me."

"I don't think anyone knows you from what you've said earlier," he added with a mocking smile.

"Shut up, you know nothing."

"I'm sorry," he replied embarrassed," I didn't mean to offend you. Let's do it properly, I'm David, and you?"

She did not respond, not even a smile to his apology, there was a heavy silence for several minutes.

"So," David decided discomfort, "so I work for an old cook in a small restaurant, I hang out the rest of the time and I like to ride my motorbike around, and not look back. I like to listen to old music, you know Nirvana? Otherwise, I have a little brother, Georges."

She raised her eyes, whih were now fixed on the ground. The moon was reflected in the tears that were now pearling on her cheeks.

"Why are you crying?"

"I had a brother," she said with a long pause, "his name was Justin."

"You talk about him in the past tense, what happened to him?"

"He had an accident on his way out of our house," she replied with a sob in her voice."

"Were you close to him?"

"He was the person I was closest to, he was the only one who really understood me."

"When did it happen?"

"Less than a week ago, the funeral was this afternoon. It was very sober, my parents had him cremated."

"It must have been hard for you. I heard that you wanted to « join » him, but you shouldn't, I didn't know him, but I don't think it's what he would have wanted. I understand you, if I lost my brother, I would probably do stupid things."

She burst into tears and cuddled up to David. He put his hand on her cheek and dried her tears. They stayed a while longer discussion. The rain began to fall, and he offered to take her home on his motorbike. She accepted. She pressed herself against him and hugged him.

"You're squeezing very hard, aren't you used to it? Are you afraid?"

"No, I was doing it with my brother."

He grinned and drove off.

They arrived in front of her house, and she got off the bike.

"This is my home, by the way, I'm Margareth."

"If something goes wrong, call me."

"I don't have your number."

He gave her his number and she went home. He wanted to see her disappear, when she arrived at the porch of her house, she turned around, saw him, give a big smile and closed the door. He left.

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