¿Home Sweet Home? Chapter 2

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Sasori's POV:

We made our way over to this house it seemed nice I prefer my house better tho.

Anyways the room was kinda girly but not that much I mean the wall were sorta of some very light baby pick, the bed had pink covers, and the wardrobe was pink.

Gosh this girl loves pink;me on the other hand I like the color black or crimson red like my hair.

I was hungry but like I don't know if she could cook so I just stayed there watching TV. (Thank god there was a TV I would of died of boredom again lol).

Sakura's POV:

I led him to my room where I told him to rest. Since I don't know what he likes to eat I just prepared some mochi. I mean he didn't even tell me what he wanted.

At the same time I didn't even ask him too whoops!

Anyways it was already 8:35 p.m. he still didn't tell me what he wanted it was best if I asked him what he wanted or to come down and eat.

"Hey what do you want or come downst-". I cringed so hard because he was watching My little pony. Like is this dude 5 or sum ;-;.

"Oh uh-". He said

" Yea no need to explain dude just come downstairs". I said while trying not to cringe or even laugh.


"So uh you know how to cook?". He said.

I said "Like do you not see the food or are you blind should I take you to the hospital again?".

"Dang Haruno no need to get so aggressive  I don't want your pretty face to go to waste on your temper tantrums". He said while giving a small smirk.

" Oi watch who your calling pretty face before I mess yours up".

He just scoffed and began eating the mochi's.

Boy did he ask for seconds I mean I don't have a problem with it so I just made more.


Alright pretty girl I'm going to sleep, you can always accompany me~". He said in a weird tone.

"Yea right I'd rather sleep with the wolfs then sleep with you strawberry shortcake". I said while teasing him.

" Whatever pretty face, night".

"Yea yea".

I ended up sleeping on the couch it was comfy and then next thing you know it I hear a thud great -_-.

" Hey what's the ruckus here strawberry shortcake ? ".

" Well pretty face I had a nightmare and I kinda fell of the bed so like can you sleep with me? ".

" I promise no funny business! "

" Ugh alright" I said.


He kept his promise which made me happy. At least it was better than sleeping on a couch tho it was comfy.



I heard and I already knew who it was, but as I was gonna get off the bed I couldnt. Guess why? Strawberry shortcake was hugging me.

"Oi would you let go? "  I said.

He groaned and let go.

" Naruto what do you want this early? " I asked him.

"Sakura-chan I have exciting news for you!!"  he said.

"What is it, better be worth my time if not you're so dead ". I replied.

"Mmm, hey pretty face who is he?".

"Oh you awake shortcake, anyways that Naruto is one of my childhood friends!". 

I didn't want  to go much in detail since Strawberry was glaring at Naruto plus I was very excited about what it was.  I rushed to put my clothes on and forgot about this red head luckily he still had the clothes we found him in.

"Hey princess you're  not gonna leave me here alone are you?' he said

"Argh fine  you  can come along but don't interfere  with us". I clearly stated.


Sasori's POV:

I can't believe i'm going with Sakura to meet this "surprise" this blonde boy has. He has a blabbin mouth like Deidara ugh!  Sakura seems irritated that Naruto won't hurry up  at this rate I would be done with my S-Rank missions than arriving where this surprise is. What makes me even more cringe is that this ugly blonde was hugging her. I just glared at him like i was gonna kill him because she looked mad , but pretty face wouldn't like that one bit because that was her childhood best friend.


Naruto's POV:

I can't tell Sakura-chan that teme is back in the village but the sad part is that he has a girlfriend already. Sakura-chan might be heartbroken but luckily his girlfriend isn't here. The weird part is Sakura-chan has this weird red-head dude, like i've never seen him in the village. We were almost there, by the way we were meeting up at the training grounds where we trained when we were genin.  

This dude kept looking at me maybe because he saw Saku-chan was super mad when I tried to hug her ne?  I guess it was worth a shot, hehehehe....


Sasuke's POV:

Oi this dobe is taking way too long might as well just sit here like I always did when we were genin . I remember when Sakura confessed her love to me.. I still feel bad for leaving her that night..

But maybe she forgave me right?..              I mean I hope so...

Wsp guys ik some of the POV's don't follow the tittle but its okay hope you like this chapter

Bye Bye ^w^

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