Chapter 1

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It just started raining as I left from work at the bakery. "Damn it...I should of bought an umbrella" I said to no one in particular while I walked down the late night streets. I lived in a okay town it was pretty lively in the day time but soon as it gets dark it feels like ghost town I guess you can say that's when the freaks cone out at night huh?

"Psst look what we have here" a guy said from within the shadows. I never walk home alone this late but my co worker didn't show today so this is my first time in a very long time walking home alone at night. "She's a cutie with a bootie" his friend said laughing. "I call dibs on her first" another one said. I quickly walked past them but I was suddenly pulled back by the guys. "Whoa where you going ? Come have some fun with us hehe" he grinned roughly pulling me towards him by the wrist. "No s-stop please.. Let me go" I tried my best to fight them off but they was so strong and it was three against one. Why me ? Why does stuff like this always have to happen to me? "Hey assholes" I heard someone call out before passing out from being thrown on the ground roughly.

"Hey you girl...are you okay?" My eyelids slowly fluttered open as I stared up into the most beautiful emerald green eyes I ever seen in my life. "U-uh I'm fine..thank you" I blushed shyly sitting up trying to observe my surroundings. "Good because if you didn't wake up I was gonna do nasty things to your body" he laughed. "What ? You're no different than those guys from out there" I shouted standing up. "Relax. You're not my type. Better be grateful I was there to save you and I even bought you to my home" he sighed getting up from his chair. "Is this your room?" I must admit his room was pretty neat and very nice for a guy. "Yup" he said uninterested. "Ugh my head.." I whispered massaging my temple. "Are you blind I obviously left Tylenol and a glass of water on my night stand" he said before leaving out the room. I quickly opened the packet swallowing the pills followed by a mouthful of water. "I guess it be okay if I just rest some more" I yawned allowing the pills to kick in letting sleep take over me .

I woke up to the smell of turkey bacon and cheese eggs. "Mmm food" I slowly slid out of bed following my nose to the kitchen. "Oh look who finally decided to wake up" the boy who saved me from those guys last night said fixing our plates. "Oh it smells so delicious" I smiled sitting at the table digging in. He grinned joining me at the table. "You should be lucky its not often I bring girls back to my house that I haven't already slept with" he said staring at me. I pretended not to notice his penetrating gaze. "So um I'm Yuki , what's your name?" I smiled staring up at him. He tapped his fingers against the table in annoyance. "Saizo...look if you're not gonna thank me by spreading them thighs then you minus well just leave" he said casually as if that was normal of him to say. "You perverted little... You know what ? Thank you for everything! I'll just go" I stood up with much attitude turning to walk away but quickly went back to the table to get a little more food. "Okay bye" I said chewing on my food slamming his house door after me.

"What the hell?" I frowned standing on his porch staring straight at my house which was literally next door from his. We're neighbors?! I stomped off towards my house. "Unbelievable.." I sighed stripping out of my clothes tripping over a shoebox I recently purchased from a shoe store. Gosh I really need to clean up its a shame his house is cleaner than mines. "He's an ass!" I yelled out in frustration. Honestly I'm just disappointed that he's a douchebag for someone whose so hot. "Never mind that..I really need to soak in my relaxing tub". I'm Yuki Nash and I'm twenty years old and I live alone. It gets pretty lonely living here but my kitty Mr whiskers keeps me company.

"Yes mom I'll definitely be there for the family get together! Okay goodnight" I hung up my cell phone laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. My life is pretty simple, boring to some but oh well I'm okay with boring. "It feels so good to have a day off from work today" I smiled cuddling up to Mr whiskers. As I was drifting off to sleep my doorbell rung causing me to jump out of my bed. I wonder who that can be not like I have people coming over often. "Coming" I groaned walking towards the door. I couldn't see anything through the peephole. "I'm sorry please step back so I can get a good look at you" I said tiptoeing to see. "Huh? What's that ...a finger?" Squinting my eyes I can now make out whose exactly on the other end of the door. "Are you seriously giving me the middle finger?" I said to saizo opening the door. "Tch don't complain that's how I say hi" he laughed inviting himself inside of my house. "What do you want?" I sighed shutting the door after him. "Ew this place is gross" he laughed stepping over my underwear bending over to pick it up. "Kinky" he grinned. "Uh no you don't just play with people panties like that" I yelled snatching it out of his hands. He pulled me by my waist bringing me closer to him. "Yuki.." His voice softened while gazing deeply into my eyes. I couldn't help but blush ...he was that handsome and I'm pretty sure he knows it. "Y-Yes?" I whispered shyly. He smiled sweetly "you're really.....ugly!" He laughed letting me go. My face burned red with embarrassment. My hands must had acted on it's own because next thing I remembered was punching him in the arm. His eyes widened just a bit, he took a step back looking me up and down. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for hitting you" I bowed to him. "'re interesting!" He muttered to himself walking out of my house. I felt so bad about hitting him like that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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