Chapter 1

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Your brows furrow as you regard the two people arguing with each other in front of you. The two people who meant everything to you. Your brother, Clint and your girlfriend, Natasha. You couldn't believe they were even considering this, yes bringing everyone that Thanos snapped away was important but it wasn't worth losing one of them. They are so loved, so brave and so selfless everyday. They didn't deserve this sort of fate.

But you, yeah you'd wager you did. You were always the lone wolf type and had often left Clint alone during childhood to fend for himself and deal with your shared traumatic upbringing alone. You became an assassin for hire, no job was too dirty for you, you had no moral limits because you needed money to get out of all the trouble and debts you owed. Sure when Clint had been offered that job at shield and managed to pull some strings to get you in as well you changed, but not much at first.

You still didn't spend much time with him, more guilt now than any excuse you used in the past. Eventually you mended your bond though and he introduced you to his family and his friend Natasha. You'd always found her beautiful and appealing to you, which is why you ignored her most of the time. You didn't know what to do with these emotions you had towards her. You tried ignoring the sinking feeling in your stomach anytime something you said or more often didn't say would cause her face to fall and her shoulders to slump slightly.

You only came to your senses when you overheard her crying to Clint one time about why you hated her, so you confessed that you didn't. In fact it was very much the opposite and you were scared because that was new to you. The two of you have been together ever since and truly you didn't regret anything about your relationship with her. She was your light in the dark, your fiery haired lover, your stars in the night sky.

You couldn't let either of them do this. Clint deserved to get his family back, and Natasha deserved to be there for Yelena. They deserved good lives, happy lives. You knew what you had to do, you just had to get past the two that were now fighting to determine which one would die. You smile sadly as you look at them. Your loving brother and beautiful girlfriend. This was for them. Not because you wanted to die, you very much wanted to live and have the wonderful life you'd planned out with Natasha. But dying was better than losing either of them.

Your heartbeat echoes in your ears as your feet pound against the rock beneath you, a steeled look is on your face as you run, you were not to be deterred from this act. It needed to be done and you needed to be the one doing it.

Clint watches, confused as a look of fear washes over the woman he pins beneath him. He follows her gaze in time to see you run past them and that same fear fills him. What were you thinking?

Nat quickly pushes him off of her as she stands and begins to chase you, "Y/n!! Stop!! Please baby!!"

Tears build in your eyes as you register the panic and desperation in her voice, but you don't slow down. You can't. It had to be you.

"Don't do this Y/n!!" Clint shouts as he too runs after you

Why couldn't they understand, why couldn't they see that you were doing this for them? For their families, for the Avengers? A weightless feeling consumes you as you jump, the cliffs edge rushing past your back as you fall.

"NO!!" Nat shouts as she reaches the edge, firing a grapple that's attached to her waist into it as she jumps after you. Her hand quickly attaches itself to your wrist. She breathes a sigh of relief once she catches you, but she won't be calm until you're beside her again on the cliff above. The cliff Clint currently kneels at, his hands holding tight to the anchor of her grapple there, just to be certain

You huff as your hand instinctively grabs a hold of her wrist, you can feel her pulling you towards her. You look up to see her tear filled eyes looking at you.

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