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As soon as the teacher went out, many of the students crowded Liya asking several questions about how Jungkook agreed.

It was recess, as usual Tae took his bag and left for garden as there are not many people there.

But of course, if you wont to go to hell, hell will come to you.

As he sat down a group of students toward him. Liya being one of them.

"What's up Hentai~"

'Hentai' that's what they called him due to his appearance.

"Aww~ Will you take revenge on us? how? Becoz I don't think with those eyes you can barely even see us. Seriously how does world seems to you?"

"Pink and gray scale!"

They mocked him laughing loudly as they always did. But no one dared to touch him as some rumors where spread saying he has some skin disease.

"You know, I want to beat you up so bad, so that I can hear you begging to leave you. But I don't want to get some disgusting disease by touching you."

He ignored their words as usual knowing they can't harm him physically.

Soon they all also left to their own work leaving him alone for his own good.

Sighing he ate his lunch but suddenly he looked up as he felt someone watching to see a small kitten looking at him with tilted head. Smiling slightly he called the kitten by luring it with a piece of bread. Surprisingly the kitten made itself comfortable on his lap within a second snuggling in his warmth.

With kitten as his partner his remaining time at school was peaceful as he spend it at the garden and left for home as the bell rang.

Again it was pretty late for him to go back but it was good as no one would be there to accompany him.

Deep in his thoughts he walked through the alley only to stop at a muffled scream. Frowning he turned in that direction he saw someone.

Someone familiar.











It was next day, but as he entered in his class, a new gossip caught his attention.

"Liya is missing!"

"Yeah, they were going to go on a date yesterday but she never came. Her parents claimed that she already left from home."

"I wonder, what happened to her."

Tae quietly took his seat and observed everyone in class. It was not that he was happy for what happened to Liya, but to give it a thought, he was not sad too, he believes in Karma.

Soon the teacher came and started taking attendance.

"Wang Liya."

"Ma'am she is missing." a girl informed making the teacher frown.

"Huh, what do you mean?" They all filled up the teacher about the case making her concerned about the girl.

"Hush children! Be careful from now on! No need to be out in dark! Why do you think dates should be in evening! Always remember no intimacy till third date." Many students laughed at her last line making the tense atmosphere light and chill again.

After taking attendance she finally started her class.

"Okay today we will learn about how a human thinking works. Tell me one thing, why do mostly girls like dolls and boys like cars, or why most girls prefer pink and boys prefer blue?" She asked to the students but as usual no one answered.

"Hmm, you all must have seen, dolls they have generally pink colour or when ever a parent prepares a room for a baby, they choose pink for girl and black or blue for boy. So as the baby grows up, he takes blue as his colour, because most of boy's things like toys, clothes are generally hard colors like blue, gray, brown. Where as girls have soft colours as pink, shades of pink, red, yellow, basically light colors. So growing up like that, it imprints in their mind that it is for them."

"You see, that's how you can imprint your thoughts in someone's else mind. You can pursue them by your words. This is called mind game my child."

"There are many such cases about hypnotizing, you know that's also a part of psychology. Its referred as hypnotherapy. In this you can convince someone in accepting what you want them to accept. They will work as per your order."

"Where it takes months and years to implement your thought in someone, the one who masters the act of hypnosis can do that in mere secs. So beware kids. Oops! Time to go now, bye."

Sometimes the children wished that they would have lecture on psychology for longer duration.

The day passed with the daily gossips and routine. Similarly many days passed when one day while walking through the hallway Taehyung found students crowding over someone.

Frowning he tried to have a view but his eyes widened as he saw Mingsu, a senior who proposed Jungkook mere days ago but the latter politely declined was sprawled on the floor naked covered in multiple scratches and carvings, may didn't noticed but his chest was heaving up and down taking shallow breaths. No one knew from where he came, they found it in the middle of the hallway after a sudden black out.

"Call dean!!" Someone shouted as he noticed the breathings, soon he was taken away but before he could reach the hospital he was dead.

The day was horrifying to many of the students who witnessed the scene. They were not over the incident when a chilling shrill was heard from the science laboratory.

Everyone ran in that direction except some who were too scared to even get up. Tae being one of them, but in his case he was not interested to know who's scream was that because last time he went there, it was just a small baby boa whom they all killed mercilessly.

As he expected they all came back, but he didn't expect Ken, Liya's best friend to be drenched in blood. Ken's face was paled, he looked shocked and broken.

"Oh god! I am scared! First Mingsu then Liya!"

Taehyung's eyes went wide at the name.



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