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~ A L I C E~

"Hey let go!" I growled and ripped my wrists from Alexis's grasp. "You can't just drag people around whenever the hell you god damn want!" I yelled. She raised an eyebrow at me, her eyes lit with light amusement, but something told me she knew not to push me. I ignored the pain in my wrist from where her hand got too tight on my new and old scars.

"What do you want?" I asked. "We need to talk." "Well we've talked. Now if you don't mind, I have somewhere I have to be." I said and tried turning and walking away, but she grabbed my wrist and I reacted. I threw my fist towards her and it slammed into her jaw. "Don't-Don't touch me." I stammered lightly. Ever since dad and his pals decided that hurting me was fun, I don't do well with any contact.

She touched her jaw, grimmincing in pain, but trying to hide how bad it must have hurt. I could already see the bruise forming and held back my shock as a thought hit me. You're just like your father...

"I just wanted to talk!" She yelled in my face. She shoved me into the wall and I held back a scream as the forceful contact with the wall hit the ripped flesh on my back from the whipping earlier that day. She let go of me, probably noticing the tear that was trying to escape. She'd seen if I been hurt. I let her see weakness. I'm weak.

In anger I punched an old wood door that probably led to some trashy bar. The wood broke off and splintered, leaving a hole the size of my fist in the door. I looked in the hole and smiled. "What?" Alexis asked. I ignored her question and began jiggling the door knob. After that didn't work, I looked around, and saw an old axe laying beside a pile of trash.

I smiled, and picked it up. I smirked at how much I enjoyed the feel of the axe in my hand and walked over to the door. Alexis stood with her arms crossed, shaking her head. "What?" I asked. She didn't answer and kneeled down to the door knob, and within seconds had pick locked it open. "So I don't get to use the axe..." I sighed and set in down and hurried into the building.

~ A L E X I S ~
"So I don't get to use the axe..." Disappointment clear in her voice.

Walking into the building I was immediately greeted by cold dusty air. Almost all the furniture missing, the windows have been blocked off. Nothing but a table,couch, bar, and an old television were left.

"Woah" I look at Alice to see her gazing around. "Woah's right." I say looking at the surrounding. Something about this place seemed, off.

We ended up spliting, her taking the basement as I head upstairs. I caustiously push on the steps with one foot. Concluding that the stairs won't collapse under my weight I proceed upstairs. The air up here is even worse, there is however a source of light. Strange. I look up to see that its coming from the attic. I pull down the small ladder, descending up the steps with wariness. As I reach the top I notice the only light is being produced by a small bulb in the middle of the room.

I walk past the bulb to some open boxes. These boxes, oddly enough, do not contain any dust on the surface of them, meaning they've been used recently. Suddenly the light is turned off, leaving me in complete darkness. I hear shuffling behind me, I turn to observe what or who could be making the noise. Not bothering to call out who's there? as if I'm going to get a response. As my eyes adjust I can see a figure standing by a tall stack of boxes. I soon find my legs carrying me closer to the unknown figure.

This figure merely moved back further into the shadows. Instantly the stack of boxes came crashing down. The person moving about. I turn, quick not to lose them, as I do not wish to be attacked.

~ A L I C E ~
The air was dusty, and cold. All the windows had been blocked off, and almost all the furniture was gone. A couch, a table, the bar, and an old television remained. In the center was a chandelier. Pieces of the chandelier had fallen off and laid in shattered pieces below it. "Woah." I whispered. "Woah's right." Alexis added. Somehow, we had split up, she took the attic, and I walked over to a door, touching the walls lightly with my fingertips as I went, the ripped wallpaper gracing my fingertips.

I opened the door, and looked down. I was met with a set of stairs. Below was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing. Taking a deep breath, I walked down the stairs, almost tripping quite a few times. The bottom of the stairs was just as dark as I expected, and I knew I risked tripping over one thing over another, but I walked toward light coming in from a window who's barricade was falling apart, letting in the only light. I couldn't see a thing, but my legs carried me to the lit corner silently. It's like a damn horror movie.

As I reached the corner, I noticed I could see the light comming from upstairs light up the stairs, making them the only thing visible. But the stairs disappeared and the sound of a heavy door slammed. "No." I whispered and fumbled through the dark in search of the door. My hand fumbled around looking from the handle, but the door didn't have one. I savaged the room, trying to find a way out, but instead found I was in a room only about 4 by 4 feet. I'm in a box...

Panic danced through me as my claustrophobia kicked in. I couldn't breathe, and I stood in the middle of the room. The air's disappearing. I honestly felt like that. Like someone was stealing the air out of the room.

"Alexis!? Alexis where are you?" I yelled, knowing she was my only chance out of this hell hole. No answer. I ran my hand threw my hair in panic, probably causing it to be a mess. "Alexis!" I yelled again. Nothing. I studied the room and began to back up as I saw a table covered in needles. I tripped over my own feet in my clumsy fear and began crawling on my hands backwards into the lit corner. Needles. I'm in a box. Needles.

My biggest fears had met me. I'd been thrown on fears doorstep. My hand hit something and I looked down and screamed when I saw it was a needle. A big ass one too. Blood rested on the metal, and some liquid rested inside the needle. I put both my hands on my head and looked down, tears rushing down my face. The panic and fear danced through my body as I sat there in the box of a room.

The door flew open and someone touched my arm. "No!" I yelled and pulled away. I looked up and saw Alexis kneeling beside me. "Alice." I shook my head and looked away. "Alice. Alice. Come on. Let's go." She grabbed my arm and helped me up. I was furious I'd let her see me like that. "Weak" a voice in my head hissed. I wiped away the tears as the voice kept chanting "weak" over and over we left the room of hell and hurried backup stairs. I practically ran up the stairs to get away from that hell hole.

~ A L E X I S~

"Alexis!? Alexis where are you?" I hear my name being called from below. I take small steps backwards not taking my eyes off the unknown person. Hurrying down the steps, I quickly rush to the basement.

Shocked by what I find, Alice sitting in the middle of the floor, her knees pulled up to her chest, eyes screwed shut tightly, and ears covered by her hands as she screams. I run over to her shouting her name. She yells at me no. Ignoring her protests I pull her up. "Alice. Alice. Come on. Let's go."

"Why'd you scream?" I ask as we're finally out of the basement. "Needles...box..." she whispers. I nod, not understandingly though, there was no needles nor was there any box. Just a big empty basement. I look at the stairs leading to the attic. Somethings not right about this house.

I look at her, closely, observingly this time. Noticing bruises, a handmark, all the scars and cuts. I was almost amused, so she is going through the same thing as me.

"You too, huh?" I almost laugh, but hold my tongue as it'd be inappropriate.

"You're right Alexis, we need to talk."

Word count: 1,511
Hey guys its Lali. So I once again apologize for the inconvenience of not updating, but we're back! Sorry Alexis' pov are shorter they'll be longer next time. So Dani threatened you last chapter...but you don't have to worry cause I'm far from perfect lol. Please vote, comment, & share! Love you all bye xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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