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Minhyuk panicking is such a rare sight that Myungjun finds it endearing, although he probably shouldn't.

"It'll be fine"

"It's easy for you to say! You starred as the main character in two musicals already and you were absolutely brilliant, how am I supposed to-"

"My voice cracked during Jamie's first show"

"That doesn't take away all your hard work and how perfect you were!"

"The same goes for you, even if you miss a step or a note. What are you worried about?"

"Everything, hyung! I'm excited but also fucking terrified and-"


Minhyuk pauses. "It's stupid but- what if I'm not good as you?"

"I'm nowhere as good as veteran actors, but does that make me less worthy?" Myungjun asks, caressing his cheek as Minhyuk shakes his head. "Right. Then there is no need to compare -you will be great on your own"

"It's just- I really look up to you, hyung, and to be fair, you settled the standards a bit too high for us"

"You flatter me!" Myungjun chuckles, lifting his chin to meet his gaze again. "But it will be alright, Minhyuk, and you know it. You will work hard for it, like you always do, no matter how small or big or important it is. And yes, it might be new and scary and you'll fell like wanting to throw up right before you step on that stage, but once the lights go up, I can assure you will forget about everything else. I have no doubts you will tear the whole house down, and if not, then people are completely tasteless because there is no way someone would not fall in love with you"

"Do you really think so?"

"I am sure of it. You have been shining for so long, you can only get even brighter"

Minhyuk does trust himself, but always being so confident and stern can get tiring and it feels nice, having someone that supports him as Myungjun does, someone that doesn't judge but understands and walks with him at whatever pace he chooses.

"I love you"

"I love you too", Myungjun smiles. "You just needed to freak out for a moment, huh?

Minhyuk blushes. "I guess?"

"It would be weird if you didn't- or maybe not, considering it's you"

"I'm not some kind of alien species, hyung! I do have feelings too!"

"Never said otherwise", Myungjun jokes. "Text me if you need help with anything, okay? Send videos or recordings, whatever you want- I'll try my best"

"Sure", Minhyuk snuggles closer. "I hope you will be there"

Myungjun pouts -he wouldn't miss it for the world, but the timing doesn't work in their favour. "Me too. If I can't, I will still call you before every show!"

"So that you get told off by your seniors? Such a smart plan"

"Yah, you are so ungrateful! I'm just trying to be a good friend here"

"I thought we were more than just friends", Minhyuk gasps. "Unless you go around kissing all of your acquaintances"

"Shut up!" Myungjun shrieks, smacking him, and then succumbs under his tickling, Minhyuk hands all over him as they fight childishly. He leaves kisses on every inch of skin he can reach in return, and Minhyuk's worries seem to have gone away when they stop, out of breath, his smile wide, his heart hopefully lighter.

"You will be wonderful", he murmurs, because it is the truth, and if Minhyuk needs to hear that a million of times, then Myungjun will gladly comply. "You have nothing to worry about, I promise"

And Minhyuk can't help but believe him. 

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