1. acedemic rivals

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*academic rivals*


I look back at my doodle I drew in my notebook. I'm not the best drawer but I guess it's okay.

I look up and try to concentrate on the lesson. It's a little difficult since it's kind of boring.

"H/n could come up to the board and do this exercise." The teacher says.

He sighs and walks up to the white board and starts. I immediately see that he made a mistake.

The teacher doesn't even bother looking at it thinking that it's correct since he always gets good grades.

She moves on with the lesson but I can't let this go; I have to prove h/n wrong.

I put my hand up.

"Yes, y/n?" The teacher says.

"That's not correct." I say while pointing at the board.

"It's not? Well, why don't you come up here and show." The teacher says tiredly.

She is probably over me and h/n competing the whole time.

I stand up and feel his eyes on me while I walk to the front of the class.

I grab a marker and start showing how it should be done.

When I'm done I turn to the teacher and wait while she checks both answers.

After about a minute the teacher looks at me and says, "You're right Y/n."

You smile at her and walk back to your desk. While doing so you make sure to look at h/n and give him a better next time look.

He glares at me and I give him a little smirk.

The rest of the lesson I feel his eyes burning a hole into the back of my head.

He doesn't like to be proven wrong especially not in front of his friends.

When the bell rings I pack up my books and walk towards the door.

"If you want to beat me next time you should pay attention to the lesson instead of staring at me." I say as I walk past him. "Although most likely you would need a miracle."

A few of his friends chuckle behind him.

He sends a quick glare their way before turning to me and saying with a fake smile, "Don't worry about me, darling."
My stomach makes a summersault at the nickname.
"I'll still beat you on the next test. I don't need the lesson I'm a natural." He continues.

I roll my eyes and make my way out of the classroom.

"Bro, when the hell are you two gonna get together. The tension is so high." One of h/n's friends say.

They probably thought I was out of earshot.

I blush and smile a little.

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