CHAPTER 31• you're mine alone

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No one's pov.

“thank you for the potion..” Aaron appreciated it for what he had done for Bell...

“i didn't do it for you but Bella.. it was a healing not a pain reliving potion..a more effective one okay!!” he took his seat

“wait what... But you didn't say that earlier”

“why do I have to when I'm fully sure she's probably fine”

“why are so bothered about her?.. I'm curious since the first day you met her you haven't stopped your care for her.. why?” his voice was stern and harry smirk about it

“why do you care brother”

“beacuse she's mine... You're a suspect and if I get to know you're having some kind of thoughts about her you're dead” with that he walked out shutting his brother door forcefully ... He knew something was up with him and he was going to find out

Entering his room he finds ashley and Rebecca on his bed engrossed with their discussion...their position brought back memories.. it brought back Bella and it made him very mad
“i want to be left alone” his sudden voice startled them as there immediately rearrange their position

“uhm Aaron... How's she?”

“when I saw her she was really looking bad but I think the potion will Help now can you just go”

“but how that's just a potion ...a pain killer that's all” ashley stood up

“well my brother harry” he said mockingly “played us in a good way I think... It was a healing potion not a pain killer got it now please I need rest”

Rebecca smiled happily and quickly turned to me“when dis you start sleeping this early.. where's the working ass Aaron I use to know, the hardworking man that never got time for anyone... I know it's hard bu-

“everything is gone Rebecca... Along with her... I can't hold it off” his breathing was shaky as he slowly loose balance and lands on the floor

“Aaron!!” ashley yelled running up to him... With their speed there both got there in time before his head landed on the floor.... Aaron's eyes turned pure black as veins..dark veins began to show as it popped against his fleh..he shaked continuously, his fangs grew longer and his finger got way longer
“hang in there Aaron!!!” he signals his wife to fetch an injection on the nightstand.. bringing it to him he gently pierced Aaron by neck and immediately he was stable, he eyes gradually returned back to normal so did his fangs and nails “it's okay we're here” he turned to Rebecca who looked scared

“it's okay dear but we most do something fast... This won't last for long... I don't want my brother to die” Ashley bent his head towards his sleeping brother as tears gently rushed down tapping on Aaron's forehead “i don't want him to go..i don't want that”

“and he won't babe.. you just have to be strong for him.. for everyone, for me and for the baby” she rubs her hands on her stomach with a smile to ashley widen eyes and surprised expression

“you're pre-”

“yes.. this is good news... I'm 6 weeks pregnant, it's a sign everything is going to be you see why I'm saying that...our unborn child will bring us luck no matter what” she knelt beside him and pulled them both for a soft hug “let's have faith.. maybe a miracle can just show up from anywhere” he nodded and there stared at Aaron“i hope” she whispered to herself.

We hoped.


Bella pov.

Two days gone.

I brushed my teeth laughing out loud to James conversation over the felt so nice to do this with him, I didn't know the last time I laughed this way.
After having my bath still on the phone with James I put some cream lotion on my dried skin and prepared for work.
It been real tough for me, trying to clear my mind and all...and  soon the memory of loving a vampire was going to disappear that I was sure of

“i have to eat we'll talk later” I hung up taking my seat on the chair closer to the table... bringing toast bread and Scotch egg closer to me I devoured it slowly and enjoyed it taste..I soon got my phone and bag before locking up

Couple of minutes passed I finally reached the looked the same as ever but imagining my own office in my head my lips gently curve a smile as I walked in....Mr Williams assistant immediately stop me from knocking at his door...she wasn't like the last and I'm sure she didn't know who I was.
I stared at her with a straight face and she immediately had to give in by all means
“you're ms Bella?...I'm so sorry but he isn't around..if you're looking for the executive office it's right this way” she uttered turning her back at me before walking in a beeline and I followed afterwards

More like continuous praises from him..I think that's what I wanted from williams

Opening wide the door my eyes widen to my newly fresh office, it was neat and kept in order, the scent was really nice and it was wider than my last
“we packed your things into here so you wouldn't have to worry about anything..just settle down and maybe wait for Mr Williams to give an order” she said before shutting the door infront of me..
I jumped high whispering a yahpeeee!!!..I was excited finally I had gotten my dream life and it was all thanks to them you know who
I took my seat feeling the comfortability I'll be getting from now.

I lean backwards with a soft sigh while my heart sing for joy not untill the sound of the door being wipe open ruined it
“i see you're adjusting to your new office” I quickly sat erect and stared up at Mr Williams who smiled at me while taking his seat across me

“uhm...I..yeah..I think I am, Mr Williams I just want to thank you for this post I really appreciate it so much”

“you're deserve it”

“i know ri-” I immediately stopped with a open mouth..I couldn't figure what just happen or what's happening because what I saw was just pitch black, darkness had covered everything in my sight, I couldn't hear Mr Williams voice again it was quiet, my body wasn't able to move..I felt nothing
“mr williams!!” I yelled out but nothing returned back

What's going on?

Seeing the shining glowing star infront of I froze and became even more confused, it looked pretty but what was it? I asked my myself as I slowly stretch out my hand and let my finger reach for the stars.... immediately I did a whole lot of images appeared and soon disappeared. Finally it leaves one images to watch, I focused my attention on it

And realize who was the picture... Aaron

I see him fighting off some terrifying vampires while he yells out a name ‘dex’ with blood gushing out from his mouth....

he was fast heading for someone but the other guy with a dark skin, long growing teeth was much faster and peirce through his heart and pulls it out

I then see myself running towards to already dead Aaron gasping for air as the sun slowly rises...I was all covered up with bruises and swallow eyes
,“Aaron!!!! have got to come back.. please” I cried bitterly taking his cold Icy body into my arms “please I Aaron I love you.. please open your eyes”

Before I knew it mr Williams was waving at my front calling my name continuously untill I regain myself to the real world

What was that all about??

Is Aaron okay?? I need to be concerned about any of this?...why should I care and be worried about all of this?


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