Wattpads Newest Uprising Fandom

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A couple of months ago, a creator by the name of " Cult_Of_Devin" arised. It was marketed as a Arg or a interactive story were everyday Wattpad users could participate in this story telling that consisted of puzzles, tricks, videos and stories. It grabbed peoples attention, and when others started pointing it out, it became more and more popularized. Especially with the mysteries and lore that came along with it. Tezz or The_Tezzinator was the original creator of the Arg, later joined by the HR manager of the cult, Renee\Em or Cult_Of_Devin_HRD . They are both described as nice, kind souls, who are not only cool, but extremely creative. Especially regarding Tezz, who made this whole thing with his own two hands.

Around July 13th, 2022 he stopped replying to all messages. Even weirder, his co owner, Renee. stopped replying aswell. It wasnt brought to anyone's attention, until recently where it was publicly addressed by Emotion and the matter started conversation and worries to kick in.
In response to this, and to spread more awareness on the topic, I managed to interview eight different people, each being a part of the dedicated rebels, to see what is going on within the brains of this community at such a dire time.

Whatever Happened to Tezz (Creator Of COD) and Renee? (HRD)Where stories live. Discover now