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Lady Whistledown
The fastest courtship upon record occurred during the markedly wet season of 1804, when Miss Mary Leopold secured a betrothal over a plate of sugared almonds and licorice in just four and a half minutes. Of course, Miss Leopold and her now husband would leave London mere hours after their wedding. Reason unknown. Of all that I have imparted to you, dear reader, there is but one bit of wisdom you must heed most. One can never know the truth of a marriage hiding behind closed doors. Beware indeed, blushing newlyweds. You know not the future that awaits. Will there be hardship... or indignity? Or will ones future see the rarest accomplishment of all, a true love match? As for which of these fates await the eager matches of the season of 1813, only two things will tell...Time and, as always, this author.
Brynlee and Daphne are walking together
"I have made my decision." Daphne says while her and Brynlee are walking by many colorful flowers. "Simon and I are going our separate ways." Brynlee shakes her head."It is for the best, truly."

Brynlee turns to her and speaks with a low tone, "I know I don't know what truly goes on between you as of right now but however difficult forgiving someone may be, it is necessary to move forward."

"It is not up to me, Bryn. Simon is choosing to nurture some grudge against his father instead of allowing himself any-any kind of happiness. However am I supposed to forgive that? However are we supposed to move forward from there?"

Their conversation gets interrupted by Lady Featherington walking over to them."Your grace" she says. "I do hope you are finding everything you need for Friday's ball. It will certainly be the event of the season. Of course, my young ladies will have to heart about the wondrous festivities the next day, seeing how they did not receive an invitation." Daphne and Brynlee look at one another in disbelief that she would even bring this up." Prudence, in particular, is in tears about it. Is she not, Mrs. Varley?" Lady Featherington says before judging her maids arm.

"Oh! Uh... A- Absolute watering pot, that one." the maid exclaims.

"Perhaps you might explain to your young ladies, Lady Featherington, how they ended up in such an unfortunate situation, and who put them there." Violet says making her way into the conversation.

"Or perhaps we can make room. I certainly would have no problem extending my invitation, as I am sure all of us would like to forgive the errors of the past and move forward. Yes, Mama?" Daphne ask.

"If that is what you wish." Violet says in a hushed tone.

"How wonderful!"

Lady Featherington's maid talks of a Mr. Crane arriving at their house and Daphne tags along to go see. While Violet and Brynlee continue to pick out flowers for Daphne's ball as instructed to.
Later on...
Will invited Simon and Brynlee to another boxing match and they kindly accepted. Simon needing the chance to get his mind off things and Brynlee just wanted to spend time with him.

"Get him ,Will!" Brynlee shouts sitting in between a Will's wife and Simon.

"Hit him!"
"Knock him out!"
"Do it!"
"Make me some money!"
Others shout.

Anthony Bridgerton has his eyes, not on the match but on, Sienna. As she sits with another gentleman watching the match as well. Jealousy rises in his chest as that's all he can stare at for now. Until, one particular shout knock him out of his trance and he finds himself looking at Brynlee. Who sits beside Simon, laughing and having the biggest smile plastered on her face.

He knows that it is wrong staring at her so he once again stares at Sienna. The stares eventually take them to one of the back rooms, pleasing one another.

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