4 - Don't Worry

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"Thanks for last night, KC. Dinah is out of this world." Trevor muttered, leaning towards the blue round table they were sitting in.

The basketball center and Camila were first to their usual seats. They only had a single tray holding their food which Trevor gladly carried for them. He opted for the burger and a couple of chicken fingers while Camila went with tortilla chips with the cheese dipping sauce, and two bottles of apple juice. She had brought her fairly big packed lunch which would be four times her usual serving to share with the guys.

Trevor grinned, lifted the familiar skull key ring in black and silver. He stood up reaching for his friend's hand, his height making it easy for him. "I gassed it up."

"You better." Camila jested, folding her fingers to encapsulate her motorcycle key. She puckered her lips as she furrowed her brows, attempting a gangster look which she had failed miserably. "Anytime, Trev. You know I got yo back. You feel me, son?" She tapped her clenched fist that held the key on her chest as she nodded her head upwards.

The ebony skinned boy found his hand cupping his forehead, shaking his head in embarrassment. He lifted his head up to reveal his confused look; while his jaw dropped, his brows were raised up high. "Is that supposed to sound black or an insult to a brother?"

The Latina held out peace signs with her two hands, flailing them in different directions before crossing her arms saying, "Fo sho."

Trevor could not help but laugh at his friend, clutching his belly with his right hand as hunched forward.

"That did not make sense. Fo sho!" He lightheartedly mocked as soon as he mustered the strength to stop himself from laughing further.

Camila waved him off dismissively, chuckling slightly at herself. She knew she had just embarrassed herself but that was just what she always did. She just enjoys a good laugh, something to make a day interesting.

She shoved her key in her pocket before retrieving Trevor's and tossing it to him while biting her lower lip in concentration.

Her expressions soon changed and her brows had been pulled to the middle as a hard chastising expression took shape. "Wait. Did you seriously take her on the first date or something?" She curled her lips, cringing as she thought of the possibilities. "And did you seriously just compare it to a universe?"

"No." Trevor let out a hearty laugh with that deep voice of his. He had begun to gush about Dinah and how sweet and funny she was. He told Camila they had exchanged numbers and have been texting each other since she took her home. "Seriously, KC. Thank you!"

Camila shrugged, looking indifferent. "Don't sweat it. All in a day's work."

She felt her phone buzz in her pocket, prompting her to retrieve it. Her face had lit up the moment she saw the sender's name. It was Lauren and she had been worried about her friend given that they have not ran into each other since before first bell. They had not spoken since they parted ways at the entrance.

"I'm fine, babe. Don't worry too much. I'll see you later." Lauren's words were as if the world's answer to Camila's worries and she was finally able to breathe again.

"I'm not worried." Camila typed, shaking her head knowing that was a lie. "I'll meet you at the parking lot." She shoved her phone back in her pocket and looked up to see the Philipps brothers approaching them.

"What's up, ladies?" Ice came announcing his presence before putting his hand on the table and reaching for some chips with the other. He sat between his friends; Camila's left and Trevor's right. Duke would have been in the middle of him and Camila.

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