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YOU slashed them into pieces, ignoring the spurting blood staining your cloth and covering every inch of the alley, 

Well when you kill You couldn't really care for such useless matters, getting rid of the threat is the most important objective

Hell, you didnt care if an innocent interfere as long as you get to eradicate a threat. 

You took a deep breath as your kakugan returned to normal shade of [e/c] and her kagune retreated back. 

Slumping back at the blood covered wall, you paused and closed her eyes, catching your breath And also regaining a tad bit of sanity. You wouldn't really want to roam around Tokyo in a crazed state.

Just as you were about to let out another sigh, two pair of footsteps shuffled towards you.

You leaned your head back on the wall. A deep sigh escaping your lips

'There's more?! I'm tired already!... Oh well, nothing beats practice'

you stood up, head bent down and your figure slightly slouched, as if you're really bored or perhaps tired.

You crack your knuckles and your neck sideways  "okay, lets get this over with-"

Before You could finish your sentence, your eyes landed to a certain familiar white haired man

"huh? Tatara-san! What are you doing here? Is something going on?"  you cocked your head sideways in confusion, Tatara rarely visited you. Only used a phone to know how well are you doing.

Tatara only shook his head and turned to a girl Wrapped in bandages with a pink cloak and fluffy ears.  Although she's bandaged, she gave the still gave you  a smile "Hello~ Im Eto." 

"[Y/N]" your voice wary, you eyed the girl before taking her hand.

Eto clapped her hands in a joyous matter, seeming satisfied to meeting you

"Now the introductions are done, lets get started, shall we?" 

"I guess, I'm pretty curious as to why Tatara-san is here" 

"[Y/N]-chan,  We've been observing you, fighting this ghouls and doves for the past few days." 

You raised your eyebrow at Tatara who only shrugged

"I'm pretty impressed of your skills and agility [Y/N]-chan. So that's why, we are asking you to join Aogiri Tree. With us" Eto continued, Tatara only watched you processing every word that came out of Eto's mouth. 

Its not like you have anything better to do, and joining a powerful organization with your old friend Tatara might be a good thing to kill time plus this might be an opportunity to free your brother.

 Without much further a due, you nodded "Yes. I would like to join Aogiri tree"  

Eto smirked and place her bandaged hand on your shoulder

"Welcome to Aogiri, [Y/N]-chan" 

Yeah. Welcome... 

~!~ ~!~ ~!~

This is my first tokyo ghoul story so please be nice to me.


The events are based on the Manga

so please if you haven't read the Manga yet, Read it first.

Cause this might be a lil spoiler.


If youre like"Hey this didnt appear on the Manga or the Anime!"

The events also are not gonna go exactly like the Manga, Im just going to go with the Manga's plot.

Im going to Insert Reader-Chan in (most) of the chapters. Basically, Reader-Chan gets more actions.


If you have anymore questions, comment it on the comment box.

Also FEEDBACK are very motivational, so that i know what you think about my book.

Arigato Minna-Chan! *O*)/

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