I was late, as demonstrated by Trystan waiting for me in my bedroom doorway. Tonight was another soiree thrown by another couple, wealthy and bored. I only had jewelry left to don, so I didn't rush through my actions. I reach for my gold chain and bring it to my neck.
"Do you need help?" His voice sounds closer than I had expected; I glance back in the mirror and realize that he is standing inches behind me. My fingers finish their struggle with my necklace clasp as I nod.
His own move deftly, sweeping my softer curls away from the back of my neck. They fall over the top of my dress, neatly positioned over the white silk. His head bows closer to my neck and I can feel his steady breaths pooling over my back. His hands are warm as they lead the chain through its clasp and he finds success a few seconds later. "Done."
He looks up from his position, still crouched level to my neck. I could've sworn my lust was mirrored in his own eyes, but he blinked it away quickly. Clearing his throat, he mutters, "we should go."
He offers me an arm as I tug on my ring and I accept it as I follow him out to the carriage. The night is colder than I had anticipated, so I tamp down a shiver by clutching Trystan's body tighter. He doesn't seem to mind as he leads me up into my carriage.
"I heard that Rylan's ship left for sea today," he informs as we sit and Henry embarks on our journey.
My eyes fling from the stars winking through the window back to his face. He chose the seat opposite to my own, so the movement is easy. "Oh. I hadn't known when it was leaving. Just that it was due for departure soon."
"Mr. Dennings supplied me with the information." Trystan fiddles with the button of his coat before continuing. "He seems to be very proud of his niece."
"She's someone worthy to be proud of," I answer honestly. Her absence cuts less as of late and the bitterness in my voice is just an accent.
"You are too," he whispers just above the creaks of the wheels against the cobblestone. "Your strength and wit are astounding."
I can't seem to hold his gaze anymore so I find my stars again. I can't understand where the sentimentality unearthed from but it hurts more than I want to let it.
"Thank you," I choke out, wishing away the tears pooling at the corner of my eyes.
a proposal, of sorts. ✔️
RomansWith limited options, Seryn marries a man who she doesn't love and doesn't love her.