Part 10

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Erin slid her arms around the blonde's neck as the woman stepped closer to her, her hands sitting on her waist, and they swayed.

'We're really making this a thing aren't we,' Holtz said, softly kicking the door to their bedroom in Erin's apartment closed with her foot.

Erin smiled as they swayed to non-existent music and she leaned in close to Holtz, cheeks against one another.

'I actually had to bite my lip one time to stop from kissing you,' Holtzmann confessed as they cuddled into each other, 'twice actually.'

'I can't even put into words how I used to feel when we'd dance. You just made me feel so safe, it was just so comfortable. Comforting.'

Holtzmann was still healing, with now just a small adhesive bandage protecting her injury and her stitches had been removed. Erin hadn't left her side and the blonde had reluctantly taken a couple of weeks off work. Erin bringing her books and paperwork home that she insisted on reading and looking over. Blueprints had been spread over the bed and the kitchen table, Erin explaining this was not how 'resting' worked. Holtz holding up her necklace, reminding her that the U symbolised her uncontrollable and untamed energy.

Erin had spent most of the nearly two weeks at home with the woman and Erin had worked remotely from her laptop in bed after convincing Holtz to take a nap, the blonde next to her, arm draped around waist, face nestled in.

Erin had loved making dinner for her now girlfriend while Holtz laid the table or helped her with the cooking. Sometimes the blonde would find herself stopping mid activity just to stare at Erin. The woman looking back at her with a smile, often meeting in the middle to share a kiss. Because now they could.

'Remember when you said to me that you were going to move into the Firehouse?' Erin said over dinner one night and Holtzmann nodded, ' And you said that you didn't think anyone could live with you?'

Holtz laughed softly, spooning pasta into her mouth, 'And how is that going?' her mouth full.

'Well, I was about to say that I could live with you,' Erin replied with a cheeky smile, 'but then the others came down stairs.'

'Serious?' Holtz asked wiping her mouth on a napkin.

'Yeah Jill, serious.'

Abby and Patty had come and visited while Holtz was healing, the blonde curled up in Erin's arms on the couch as they all chatted and ate take out. The two women pointing out all the times they'd seen the two flirt and how the 'waiting for them to finally get together' had been tortuous.

Erin and Jill had spent almost every night on the couch together, watching movies, staying up until they could no longer keep their eyes open, then crawling into bed. Finally, both in each other's arms, waking up together every morning. It had only been two weeks, maybe a little longer and Erin already felt like they had been dating for months, they just fit, just like they always had done. Holtz's ribs were still sore, but her visible cuts and grazes had nearly all healed and they were both eager for more than just falling asleep together.

The blonde stroked Erin's back with her fingers, sliding her face into Erin's neck slowly, her lips connecting, and Erin tilted away a little, giving the woman more access. Erin felt herself begin to throb, not unusual around the blonde she had soon learned.

Erin let out a breathy exhale as she felt lips against her throat and the heat of the blonde's tongue as she worked her way painfully slowly to her shoulder. Her lips stroking and caressing her skin and there was no other feeling like it.

Holtz gently backed Erin up against the door, sliding a leg between hers and dragging her fingers down her arms. Her lips continued to circle and brush her neck and Erin let out a moan, tilting her head down as Holtz continued to kiss her.

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