Chapter One: Good News Encounter

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Chapter 1: Good News Encounter

"Hon, you are going here, aren't you?" my mom called me minutes ago, she's asking me if i'm going home, home in japan, like wtf?! My home is america. I have a lots of friends here and comfortable here.

She really want me to go there which my mother's hometown. "Come home, I just want our family to be completed and happy in our home." she sounds worried.

But I told her many times that my home is America. "Mom? This is our Home, America is my home, our home." I spoke and lay down in my bed.

"Okay, for one last time visit us her and stay here after two months you can go home in america." she sounds aggressive right now.

"Are you serious?" it was my dad. "Of course I am." I heard mom says.

"Okay then, wait there." I lastly said and they end the call without saying goodbye.

Hours of laying down in my bed I opened my instagram account.

Heard the news about Magnum?!!

I haven't, what news is it?

May be a good news for a fan like you?

Did they already post the final members of Magnum?

I was excited when I predict what the will do, I didn't wait Vivian to reply me as soon as possible I checked the post onlines and yeah the 3 remaining members and Final Members for a new line-up of Magnum is completed!

My heart almost jumped out when I read the words "Park Jihoon" the 5th members of Magnum. Yoshinori the 4th member and Hamada Asahi the 6th Member.

I don't really like Japanese for reason, so I prefer to stay at Jihoon-Oppa Side until he debut.

After a long celebrate when I read the news I didn't noticed the I fell asleep. I woke up at 5:45am and checked my phone because Mom texted me.

Buy tickets and go here right away.


You mean right now?
Message sent


Tomorrow, Feb 14 at exact of 8:00am we have a meeting with important persons so don't be late.
Right now

Fine, I don't even have a choice, since after two months i'll be back here.

Minutes passed:

I pack my things and book a flight to Japan.

I called Vivian to say that I need to go at Japan for reason, she said it's okay and she even said to bring a Japanese man for her after two Months. She'a crazy.

So this is Japan's airport? Japan has a fresh air.


[Hello? Mom? Where the fuck is you-]

[He's there waiting for you.]

She shortly replied and end the call.

Mom? What do you mean by- omg!

I saw a man standing and holding a board with my name written on it

"Excuse me? I am Aerial and Are you my Mom's-" I almost end my words when he cut me off.

Why is everybody just cutting my words?

"Why are you so damn slow? Do you know I have a damn Training today, Don't you?" He yelled.

"Of Course I don't and I don't care." I responded.

This guy has a Top tier Visual, He's Tall, Handsome, Low tone voice, Attractive physical Appearance and Manly Smell.

He's wearing a black mask and Black cap so I can't clearly say that he is Handsome but based on his Body, Smell and, Appearance he is Handsome and shit! He is Japanese! I almost forgot.

Because of Daydreaming I didn't know that we're already at the Van heading at the- Omg? Wtf is he going to kidnapped me?!

"You look so shocked? Don't worry we're heading at you Mansion, Stupid." He remarked.

The words he stated are all fine but his last words is fucking wrong! Did he just called me Stupid?

"Hey? are you saying that i'm stupid-" he cut me off again.

"Mr. stop the car right away and drove this girl safety to her destination." he Remarked and go off on the car.

Before the driver drove the car I look forward to his Destination and I was shocked and my heart almost jumped out when I saw Jihoon and other members of Magnum unit and Treasure Unit together at Yg Japan.

"Is he one of the members to debut in Treasure Unit?" I asks my self because of confusion.

To be continued...


Author's note:

If anyone is willing to wait for other chapters, I'll write right away, just wait. Currently i'm having a writer's block so I couldn't write properly, I hope someone will wait for me to update another parts of this story. Thank you very much.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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