Chapter 1: The beginning of the end

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Quick authors note: lols... My friend and I got bored at 1am so anyways. I have no clue when I will upload next but I am determined to make it happen! Also its staying in the year that the book is set in just I would rather not write in racist things, I also feel bad for not being historically accurate. Oh I don't own a physical copy of the original source material I like audio books.I hope you enjoy.My dear friend Chapstick is helping. This is gonna always be posted on Ao3 first as on there I am upsidedownvasaline.

"I don't think I can go back to our school," Lily said shyly. She could feel Kaths gaze as she was talking "Shirley definitely told all my friends who probably told the rest of our class." Lily starts spiraling knowing that her even hanging out with Kath was dangerous to Lilys reputation. "Let's not go then we can drop out, I can find a flight school and you can you can-" Kath cut herself off. Lily can feel a couple tears welling up in her eyes, "I-" Lily tried to get the words out. " Wh-when my Aunt Judy took me home, my parents had a talk with me..." "What kind of talk?" Kath questioned. Lily sighed and started "My parents told me that they thought it would be better if I finished my senior year down in Pasadena and lived with my aunt and uncle" Kaths eyes widened.
"So what did you say?" Kath asks. "I didn't say anything. I sat there in silence and when they all went to bed I went to find you, obviously smarter than how I was the first time and brought my stuff." Lily lets out a half laugh. It feels strange just a few hours ago Lily was at home eating dinner with her family as if nothing happened and now she is in Tommy Andrews apartment with the love of her life wondering what her future is going to look like.

"So do you two have a plan on what you're doing or.." A voice in the corner said. Lily was able to guess it was Tommys as she knew that Tommy still wasn't to keene on them staying at her apartment. "Hey, be easy on them, it's difficult when you first run away especially at their age" Lana says, going to hold Tommy's shoulders. " I know but I still don't know how to feel about having two underage girls in my apartment. Not only that but people already think i'm a predator dont want them thinking i would be a kidnapper too." Tommy finished her sentence and all I could do was look at Kath.
Kath grabs Lily's hand and squeezes it."I hate saying this Lily because your family is already angry with you for your "decision" it might be best for you to go with your aunt." Tommy said. That put a pit in Kaths stomach, she could feel all eyes on Lily and Lily's eyes on her. "Kath", Lily looked up at Kath. "We should leave the girls alone for the night," Tommy says to Lana, "I'll let you stay here tonight and we can figure out a plan in the morning." Tommy said. "Good night girls" Lana said softly while following her girlfriend. "Thank you, night!" Kath says "Thank you, we really appreciate you letting us stay well we get on our feet" Lily says. While looking back at Tommy with Lana, Kath can tell one of them said something that made the other giggle, as if they were drunk, then Lana whispered something into her girlfriends ear, as they disappeared.

"Kath I- I just don't wanna lose you again. And going with my aunt would mean leaving you" Tears start to swell up in Lily's eyes. "I think we should stay together." Lily said with a glimpse of hope in her voice. Kath knew that was a bad idea, altho she wouldn't mind it, Lily should go. "I want to be with you, believe me! But we don't have to be apart for long, I can write and call." Kath saw Lily's eyes swell even more, they were red and puffy from the previous tears. "I can even visit! I'll have to save up, but maybe I can take the train, and if you still have to come here for holidays we can see eachother then!" Lily clearly didn't like it but she also didn't seem to hate it either. Kath reached out to grab Lily's hand, "this can work, okay, I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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