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It was not easy for Namjoon to move on. It has been two months since he and Taehyung broke their friends-with-benefits relationship. That's because Taehyung has a girlfriend now. Taehyung doesn't need him after all he gets his ex-girlfriend back. They were friends with benefits but somewhere in the corner of his heart was beating for him worse happened when he got started to intimate with him. No doubt that they both were doing it with consent.

It was the night when he called Taehyung but he didn't receive the call. The call who received it was his girlfriend. Namjoon doesn't even wait for Hello! He just started to speak.

"Tae why you were not picking up my call? I got so tense .. are you alright But it's okay .. you know I have a piece of good news for you...So hurry up and come here ... I am eagerly waiting for you ."

Jenny was so surprised by his non-stop talking. So when he stops himself he asks him.

" Hey, Joon hyung! Slow down it's me. Taehyung's girlfriend. Don't worry he's fine. Just wait a minute he will come out from the bathroom ."

What he is with her ex-girlfriend and he doesn't know, Taehyung didn't tell him anything, he hid this from him. Is this why Days gets doesn't intimate with him? He comes there only for cuddles this week. Lost in his thought Namjoon forgot to hang up the call. Other side Taehyung came out of the bathroom and Jenny went to him and asked

" Tae it's Joon hyung. He is on the line .... Talk to him ..."

'Joon! Shit shit shit '

Jenny sat on the sofa, scrolling on his mobile. Taehyung went to a corner of the room. Talking silently.

" Joon hyung can we talk tomorrow? Please. Right now I can't talk to you ."

" It's fine... We will talk tomorrow. You can have fun with your girlfriend tonight ..."

" Joon hyung ??? "

Then he looked at her. She told him. The damage already had been done. biting his lower lips he tried to say.

" Joon hyung I am sorry. I wanted .... .."

Namjoon cuts him off

" I said it's fine. We'll talk tomorrow. Just don't think of me when you're with her. "

He cut the call. Throwing the phone on the couch he lay down on the bed he stared at the ceiling. Remembering their shared moments his eyes filled with tears.

He touched the soft silk sheet, it was Taehyung's favourite colour. He's addicted to him, his touch, his cuddles and his tight hugs. He's going to miss all this.

But still, he has a chance to meet him and talk with him because Taehyung is his best friend's younger brother. He never missed a day without going to their cafe. It has become a habit though, he goes to the cafe after coming from work.

Thinking of the worst upcoming days he falls asleep. But who knows it's an excuse of destiny to offer him the best, the best one he deserves.

Namjoon wished the young couple on the left wouldn't chat so loud, then he might be able to hear the soft, tender voice of Taehyung by the counter. He sighs, rubbing his chin, then pulls on his beanie. He taps the floor with his white cane in mild annoyance when he senses a lovely presence approaching him and sliding into the chair opposite his.

" I thought you were busy." It comes out more as a question than intended and Taehyung laughs awkwardly. His laughter is wonderful too, charming and captivating.

" No, not really. Not at the moment at least." He answers and from the rustling of his sweater and apron, Namjoon can hear that he is reaching for his cup and waits for the sound of a gulp and a satisfied sigh.

Waste It On Me : Namkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now