Main 3 meeting a sky kid

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!Hank ( blender simp )!

He would  be walking in Nevada after going on a killing spree 

He would be really confused by this child made of light like why is this child made of light and why are they following me and why do they want to give me a candle

If you somehow befriend this killing spree machine with your charm then we'll done you got him now your stuck with him for a long time 

You two would travel together for fun! Hank wouldn't really show it as much but when you grab him and fly up with him he's just so happy he just won't show it

"H o n k "

" no it's hank..."


" h a n k "

" honk" 

You would honk at him alot and he would think it's annoying at first but after a bit he gets used to the noises that you make! The quite ones the loud ones and the strange sounding ones!

Will protect you because that he thinks you are a precious child that shouldn't be hurt

One time a grunt shot you in a confusen and ohhh boyyy that grunt was dead in a couple of seconds later! It didn't reach do anything bad it just made you lose a bit of light and scared you a bit but hank would go crazy over it! He would start looking for deimos and take him to do his fire thumb thing to heal your light! So hank started to carry a lighter to light you when you get hurt 

If you ever meet any of the crew he would show you to doc first! Because he trusts him a bit more than deimos and Stanford 

This one time you got hit with a pipe and your mask cracked a bit and well 

You didn't see that grunt again

Deimos ( smoker)

He well kinda found you in a corner shaking and kinda glowing when it was raining 

" uhhh what's with this glowing lost child-?"

" h o n k " 

When you pull a candle out on him he sees its starting to go out and he relights it and then bam he's got a little lamp like child following him around 

Doesn't really show you to anyone yet he might show you to Stanford for help

You did take him flying sometimes he's a bit nervous because that the only thing keeping him from falling is you plus he's kinda a bit scared of heights even if he flys a helicopter 

If he ever takes you flying in the helicopter you would be honking alot 

(I like to think that sky kids honk alot when they are scared or happy)

This one time you did get a piggyback from him but he started running and he tripped and then you and him fell face first 

This one time he took you on the helicopter and you gave him a big scare by jumping off it and then he remembered that you can bloody fly 

When he's cold he likes to hug you because somehow you give off heat

He once took you on a mission for some dumb ass reason 

You got rained on with bullets 

Stanford (hooker boi )

He saw a little light when he was driving and he saw you on a cliff so he stopped and got out and was a bit curious about this glowing lamp child 

When you pulled a candle out on him he was a bit confused and grabbed it out of your hands then it just disappeared 

" what the hell?"

" honk!" 


Well guess what he actually took the candle and now he's ya friend 

You would follow him around because Nevada does look like eden a bit 

" HONK HONK HONK-!"  *Shakeing intensifies*

" kid what's wrong?" 

*points to the auditor *

He will and can throw you away from danger and he might just do it for fun with you 

This one time you came on a mission with out him knowing and he was about to be shot and then bam you just flew in and took the bullet 


you just sat up to see Stanford just kicking the shit out of the grunt that shot you 

" honk?" 

At one point he would show you to deimos 

When you take him flying he holds onto you like glue because like there's a chance you could drop him 

" ok kid please don't drop ME-"

"H oN k"

"W H a t  D O  Y O u M e aN  BY  H O N K!?! "

Trust me when i say if you ever hide behind him for anyreason he's getting ready to fight someone or your just wanting a piggyback ride

Has learned to keep a lighter on him at all times thanks to him noticing you glow like a fire and show candles to make friends 

One time you got caught in a grenade explosion and Stanford was going freaken crazy he rushed over grabbed a lighter and put it near you you were a dark grey and that freaked him out 

You were fine!

A sky kid in Nevada (headcannons and more madness combat x sky kid reader-Where stories live. Discover now