The School Within

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"Okay Class, Today is topic day so you get to choose what topic we talk about today" Miss Westwood explained. The class then began to chatter. "Okay settle down class Alea, What would you like to talk about today." Miss Westwood said. "Mysticals" Alea explained. The class murmured. "Okay well, The Mysticals were said to be human beings who were given incredible powers which they used for good deeds, In fact the word Mystical means: a girl who is given ultimate power to use wisely" Miss Westwood answered as she was about to pick another student when Alea interrupted. "What is a Magix?" Alea asked. "Well a Magix is a person that started of as a Mystical and after a 100 years she becomes a Magix" Miss Westwood answered. "Wouldn't she be like dead by then" Emily said chewing a piece of gum in her mouth. "First spit out that gum and then I will tell you" Miss Westwood shouted. Emily grumbled but put her gum in the bin. "Melo out dude, it's just gum" Emily calmly said. "Anyway" Miss Westwood continued "She was alive because she was immoral..." But Miss Westwood was interrupted by the bell. "Okay class remember to read two chapters of The Power Within" Miss Westwood exclaimed.

Okay you may think that the three Mysticals are friends but you are so wrong they are part of three different groups. Here are there groups and their names.

The Hippies- Emily
The Cheerleaders- Alyssa
The Creativity Group- Alea

"Like I totally saw those shoes at the mall and they were totally amaz..." Alyssa explained to her cheerleading squad but then she paused and looked at Alea. "Hey Loser Freak Geek, Nice outfit to wear to the prom, To bad your not invited" Alyssa cackled. "I think you need a new insult book cause yours got burned" Alea replied. "Hey dudes like peace out, Don't fight your just spreading bad vibes" Emily said as she seperate the two of them. All of them walked in different directions.

Cafeteria 12:00
"Can you believe they added hot chips to the menu, Its a miracle" Alea explained. "Yeah I know" Ashley replied. "It so cool" Lucy answered. Suddenly a deep cough came from behind. "Excuse me Losers, Freaks and Geeks so what I want you to do is....GET YOUR BUTTS OF OUR SEATS!!" Alyssa shouted. Everyone moved except for Alea. "Persistent aren't you, Its so fair a group of cheerleaders and you a loser freak geek. What are you gonna do about it?" Alyssa sniggered. "This" Alea shouted as she squirted a whole bottle of ketchup all over Alyssa's dress. "You know what goes great with ketchup, A little bit of Mustard!!! Alyssa replied as she squirted mustard all over Alea's outfit. "You know what goes great with ketchup and mustard... I LOT OF MASH POTATOES!!!" She shouted as she pelted Alyssa with potatoes. "Hey like guys" Emily explained as she separated the two of them "Don't fight, Just bring like peace dude and put all like the bad vibes behind us". Suddenly Alyssa pored hot gravy Emily's pants. "That's it like I've had it!!!! This means war" Emily cried. So they kept fighting and fighting until. "Excuse me why is this Cafeteria a mess and Why are you 3 covered in food?" Principal Sharna asked. "Those three had a food fight" A boy yelled from the back. "Well, Well, Well I want you to clean up the Cafeteria and then report to my office for your punishment" Principal Sharna explained as was about to walk out, when Alyssa said something. "But I'll miss Cheerleading Practice" Alyssa whined. "I don't care" Principle Sharna said as she walked out. RING, RING, RING As everyone walked out expect for Alyssa, Alea and Emily. "Hey losers, I'm going of to Cheerleading Practice. Don't try to stop me" Alyssa cackled as she walked out. "Like we have to like catch her" Emily said tugging Alea. "No we don't she already caught" Alea explained as she pointing at the security cameras. Emily and Alea had a blast together even though they were cleaning up the Cafeteria. "So what like island would you like to visit" Emily asked. "Ok, I would go to Breeze cove because that's where the Mysticals live" Alea answered "I've been researching them for a while now and I wanna see there island". "Omg like mine too" Emily squealed. Time went so fast and pretty soon they were finished.

So then they went up to Principal Office. "Where is Alyssa?" Principal Sharna asked. "She bailed on us, Its on the security camera" Alea answered. Principal Sharna pulled up the security footage on her laptop. "Now I know who started this" Principal Sharna said as she turned to her microphone and said "Miss Alyssa report to the Principal office immediately". Alyssa came rushing in and said "Oh man that was a lot of cleaning, how could you bail on me you guys" Alyssa acted. "I'm sorry Alyssa but your acting skills are not going to get you out of this" Principal Sharna explained. "What" Alyssa said confused. "You did three bad things today, 1st Not doing what you were asked to so your punishment is you can't go to Cheerleading practice for the next 10 weeks" Principal Sharna explained. "What but that's not fair" Alyssa shouted. "Yes but you've still got two more punishments to go" Principal Sharna said "Anyway the 2nd you are charge for is lying to me so your punishment is Cleaning up the Cafeteria". "Oh that doesn't seem so bad, Its only a day right" Alyssa said as she flicked her back. "Oh it's for ten weeks" Principal Sharna said. "What!!!!" Alyssa screamed. "And now for you're third punishment created by Alea and Emily" Principal Sharna explained as Alea and Emily whispered in the Principles ear. "Oh okay, They are gonna drop two charges on you and take you to Breeze Cove for 3 months but the condition is you help pay for airfares and be nice for the trip and if you don't we are shipping you butt back to NY and also I'll be watching you" Principal Sharna explained "I'll see you 10:00am at the airport". The three girls chatted about what Breeze Coast was gonna be like when. "I'm sorry I was mean to you, Its just hard to fit in here and the Cheerleaders make me be mean to make us sound tough. Its been rough around my family so I wanted to fit in" Alyssa said as she smiled for the first time. "You should like quit you don't like need a squad to like to fit in" Emily said. "Your right, I'm gonna march in there and quit" Alyssa whispered as she opened the doors.

Inside the room was full of Cheerleading posters plastered all over the walls and all the trophies they had won over the years. "Hey girl, adorbs shoes" Lily squealed. "Before any one else speaks I'd like to make an announcement, You have treated me like garbage these years, So I want you to dry your tears, I QUIT I QUIT" Alyssa said as she dropped her Pom Poms and left.

"So how'd it got" Alea asked. "Well..." Alyssa answered. "So they like stood there like shocked" Emily explained. "Yeah" Alyssa laughed.

After school they felt like they had known each other for years and couldn't wait to got to Breeze Cove.

"How was school today Alyssa" Alyssa Mum Opal asked. "Great I quit Cheerleading and found some real friends" Alyssa explained "Oh and I'm going to Breeze Cove tomorrow, I'll be back in 3 months". "Okay honey don't forget to pack" Opal laughed. "I won't" She laughed as she plunged onto her bed and thought "What a great day".

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