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"yes maam, mother, maam."

"Tsukasa! Help me with this, tighten this lace around my waist please!"

"No! Do that for me!! I MUST BE CHOOSED BY THE PRINCE!"

Tsukasa first tighten sugamis lace, then suruikos, he had a suit even ready..

"Haha! Sagumi, look at this!! Tsukasa is wearing a suit, i feel even almost bad! Princess yushuika will NEVER accept you! Or any woman infact!"

Suruiko and sagumi grabbed sciccors (apologies i spelled that incorrectly) and started cutting tsukasas suit, tsukasa suit already looked like a mess not alone now  that sagumi and suruiko had ruined it.

"Now, make mother proud my daughters! Marry prince kamishiro, but wait first!"

Tsukasas stepmother tugged tsukasa and dragged him to the shed, she locked it as tsukasa tried to get out. He could only hear the laughs and talks over the door.

"Cmon now girls!"
And with that, the sound of the carriage faded into the darkness. His chance was ruined and he sobbed.

"Wonderhoy! Huh? Why do you look so sad?" Tsukasa jumped as a mysterious figure appeared, it had wings and a bright but confused smile.

"H-huh? What are you? How did you get in here!?"

"Relax! Im emu, your fairy godmother! Now! Why are you so sad?"

"Fairy godmother!? But uh.. My stepmother locked me into this shed, she doesnt want me to show up at the ball! She thinks im not gonna succeed in marrying princess kamishiro, but uh.. The truth is, i kinda like.."

"The prince?"
Tsukasas eyes widened, he looked at the fairy godmother that held her wand out.

"Yeah h-how did you kno-?"

"I have my secrets! Dont worry dear, ill help you! Lets just unlock this shed real quick"
Emu tapped her wand onto the door handle, it opened magicaly and tsukasa stepped out.

"Now! I can turn and make anything you want, but the spell will wear off by 12! So be careful, now, whats your first wish?"

"Can i be a girl..? But this one has to wear off at 11:45! I dont wanna be a girl for to long.."

"As you wish!"

Emu wands sparkled as tsukasa turned into a girl, he had a dress that was flowing like waterfalls, and hair silky as the wind. (Why did i describe like that omg)
"Have a mirror dear!"

Tsukasa took the mirror and looked at it, he was pretty, but. He just broke down in tears, he looked like what saki wouldve looked like if she had the chance to grow up to his age.

"She is always watching you my dear! Cmon now, hm.. That pumpkin! We will use that as a carriage, oh! Hello fellow mice, dont mind if i do.."

Tsukasa watched as his fairygodmother turned a pumpkin into a carriage, mice as horses and a lizard to a.. I forgot, but, term used for describing someone that rides and conducts a horse-? Yeah. 

"Fairy godmother emu? Is it alright after i turn back into a boy i still look good, maybe just a good suit and a extension and-"

"Got it! I like the image you put up"
Emu tapped her wand she leaded tsukasa to the carriage and the conducter leaded.

"And have fun! Go get your man!!"
She dissapeared into thin air, leaving tsukasa as a girl alone.

As he arrived, tsukasa carefully got out of the carriage making sure not to trip on his heels of his dress, as he entered the ball room everyones eyes were on him, including the prince and princess.

Cinderella To My Prince? [Ruikasa Cinderella Au]Where stories live. Discover now