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(Warning: mentions of killing, blood, gore)


"Hae.. Just understand mom and dad, I know they're strict but at least respect them" She just
sat there, giving me a glare

"They literally screamed at you to kill that child of ours, and I don't want that to happen.. We've dreamed of this ever since our dating times.." She stated

Are my parents really that strict? Shesh, I just wanna shoot them and throw their body in a burning furnace

"Well, Me and girls are on a mission so, you stay here and take care of little one" And with that, they left.. I hope they don't kill my parents

Jinni POV

We are in our bunker, thinking of an assassination for Y/n's parents, "So, Unnie.. What do we do? Do we shoot them? Poison the-" Haewon unnie interrupted me, slamming her hands on the table

"SILENCE! All I want is to let Y/n live in a normal life, with us" She said, we all looked at each other and agreed

"So here's what we'll do.. "

*After the plan*

"Are we clear? Ready in your guns" we all went to the Gun station and in the van

*In the Yeong mansion*

"Ok, is the coast clear?" I said through the ear monitor "Yup, just adjusting the aim to Mr. Yeong" Lily said

"Ok, are the guns ready?" Haewon said, we all said yes "and FIRE" We all shoot and the two couples fell to the ground dead

"Mission complete.. Let's make a run for it" I said and we all ran to our van and drove off

"Great job, girls.. Now our dearest is safe.."


I was just cooking food when I got a call from Bang Chan, my parent's bodyguard "Hello? Y/n?" He said "Hey, Chan! Is there something wrong?" I heard him gulp

"Your.. Parents are dead.. They got shot in the heart and head" I dropped my phone, "No.. No.. NO, NO, NO.. PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE LYING!" I screamed to the phone

"I'm sadly not joking.. I'm sorry, Miss Yeong.." He ended the cal, I fell on my knees and broke down

I felt a pain in my stomach and my thighs were wet, Wait..

I checked to see blood..

"No.. My boy.. NO.. WHY!!" I screamed and layed down, I heard the door open and gasps

"Y/n! What happened? Wait.. Is that blood..." Haewon said and ran towards me with the others

"You've lost our boy.." Sullyoon sobbed, "Come on! Call the ambulance!"

*In the Hospital*

"I'm sorry miss.. She has a miscarriage, And I'm sorry for the loss of your son.."

(A/n: I'M SORRY I HAD TO MAKE IT SHORTTT 😭, I WAS SO BUSY WITH SCHOOL, I'LL MAKE LONGER CHAPTERS PROMISEEE, hehe btw got the reference from 'The Tudors' during Anne Boleyn's miscarriage)

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