Devil Town V1 (Age 8)

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I'm so happy today's my birthday, maybe mom will let me have a party! I can invite all my friends! Like Eddie, Aime, Lilith, Luke, J-


What was that?! Max questioned.

Max slowly opened his bedroom door, nobody was in the hallway, or in the living room. To him, the noise sounded it was coming from his parents bedroom.

What are they doing?


He hears muffled screams, alarming him.

I'm scared..

He walks down the hall towards his parents bedroom, the screams only getting louder.


He stepped closer and closer towards the bedroom, stopping while about three feet away from the door.

He gets on his knees and peers under the door. He sees his mom's feet, then his dad's.

There's screaming, crying, and blaming.

"It's not my fault you're sleeping around with other men!" His father yelped.

"I did no such thing! It's not my fault you're boss fired you for slacking! You're just trying to pin everything on me! I wish I never met you James Henderson!" His mother screamed.

Max got up and slowly backed away from the door, tears started to form and drizzle down his face. His mother wished she'd never met his father..? Did.. did she even want Max to be alive?

Max quickly ran to the front door, he didn't want to be here. He didn't want to be anywhere near his parents, and he doubted his parents wanted to be anywhere near him. He knew what he'd do, he'd go visit his best friend, Eddie! Eddie's mom would understand!

Max ran down the road, tears still dripping down his left cheek. Many adults and children alike looked at him with confusion, he wasn't sure why. Maybe it's because everyone in the neighborhood saw his parents as the perfect couple, he saw his family as the perfect family. One business man, one stay at home mother, and one eight year old son, the "perfect" child, good grades, plays baseball, popular, etc. It was depressing knowing the truth.

He ran around the corner, there it was! Eddie's house! Great! Though, he started overthinking.

What if his parents tried finding him? What if Eddie's mom called them? What if they screamed at him so much his ears bled? What if they made him go live with his aunt? What if-

"HI MAX!!" Someone screamed, alarming Max.

It infact scared him so much, he fell over. He heard laughing from the distance.

He heard someone walk over, and behold! It was Eddie!

"Do you need help up?" Eddie giggled.

Max giggled along "Sure, Eddie."

Eddie helped Max up, though he did notice Eddie looked a bit confused.

"What?" Max asked.

"Where are your parents?" Eddie questioned.

"Oh uhh, I think they were fighting." Max started, his smile dropping.

"What? You're parents never fight! They're like the leading example of the whole town!" Eddie exclaimed.

"I know! They've never really fought before, but my dad said my mom was 'Sleeping around with other men' and my mom said it wasn't her fault my dad got fired!" Max said.

"What does sleeping around with other men mean-?" Eddie asked.

"You think I know?"

"I guess not." Eddie said, shrugging.

"Anyways, let's get inside. It's cold." Eddie said.

"I hate that it's cold in the summertime hear, but in most places it's scorching!" Max squeaked, rolling his eyes.

"I know right? Anyways, we should get inside anyways." Eddie said.

"Right." Max said, smiling.

They walked down the road to Eddie's house, chatting about the things that had happened at Max's house, just a few minutes earlier. Then, they headed inside.

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