Dangerous emotions

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One world, seven billion people, 7 continents, 195 countries. Different religions, languages, cultures, ethnicities, morals and principles. But apart from what you believe in or what language you speak, or what the color of your skin is, we all all have at least one thing in common; we're all human.

We're all intelligent beings that can create a lot of great things, but our mistakes can be disastrous. All the great ideas and inventions are created by our brain, where the mistakes are not. The mistakes are made based on emotions, and that's where it gets dangerous.

Because when we base our actions on emotions, all logic flies out the window, and we become unpredictable. And unfortunately, the people who make the big mistakes often outshine the people who do the great things. It takes only a little bit of darkness to sniff out a lot of light. Danger lurks in every shadow, and you always have to question things, especially people. I learned these things quickly,  but not the same can be said for everyone. I pity the ones who didn't know how the world works and ended up dead because of it. I get to experience the destruction that the human race is capable of on each other every day.

I grimace as I stare at the black haired news reporter on the tv. I nip at my whiskey while grabbing the remote and turning up the volume. Her voice fills the room, as she tells the news item with an static tone, like all the news items before this one. The photo appears behind the reporters head along with a name. It doesn't seem to effect her at all, and she tells it like any other story.

I sometimes wish I could be so emotionally detached from these things. I never forget a face, or a name, that's one of the reasons why I'm so good at my job. But not being able to create a thicker skin to protect me from the confrontation of cruelty that humans can oppose to each other leaves some emotional damage.

I gulp the rest of the liquor down, grimacing and yet enjoying the burn that it leaves in my throat. I put the glass in the sink. There is no use pouring another one, as I know what is gonna happen in the next 10 minutes. And not long after, my phone beeps. Knowing the number all to well, I turn the tv off, and open the text message.

I put the empty glass in the dishwasher. I sigh as I run a hand through my hair. I grab my car keys and head out the door, the door behind me closing and the automatic lock locking the apartment with a gurgling click.


Working at the police department of New York is certainly a job that, like the city, never sleeps. It's also the reason why I have chosen to work here. There's always a complicated case that can satisfy my thirst to solving cases. I walk through the doors of the police station, saying some quick hello's on my way to my desk to other cops and detectives. I finally open the door to my office, taking in my surroundings before taking a seat at my desk. I put the coffee mugs down harder on the glass table top than necessary, causing the guy in his black office chair across from mine to jolt awake from the sudden sound. His hand moves to his back pocket, reaching for his gun that isn't there, only halting mid way when his eyes finally recognise me. He closes his eyes and rubs his face with his hand.

"Jezus Christ, Maya. Where was that necessary for?"

I only grin in response. "Well, sleeping beauty, there's a new case."

I glance at the couch that these days served as a bed for my partner. It appeared surprisingly that I wasn't used since the blankets held the same wrinkles, along with the bed having the same dents as yesterday. It would be stupid to sleep in an office chair if there was a couch, so that let to only one conclusion and I raise my eyebrows.

"Or was it a necessary nap after a busy night with Carry? Are you guys good again?"

Matt's irritated expression turns into a slight grin as he stretches his arms back. "Not that good unfortunately, but we talked and we're okay." His slight grin has now turned into a smile that lights up his face, making the bags under his eyes less evident than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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