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I woke up from the sunrise hitting my face as i reach over for my phone william barges through the door running full speed towards me leaving me to freeze up in horror, when tf could this mf run so fast. To soon jumping on my bed causing me to suffocate with will trying to get into my duvai on top of me with a very mad millie running through my door fame fame

"Im gonna kill him" she says while trying to take the duvai off me and will "im so sorry mills i swear i did it on accident" will says putting his hand up in surrender as millie successful took the duvai off him "guys its 10 in the morning wth is going on" i say trying to stretch as millie got will in a head lock ...wtf 

"This mf told louis i like him"  mills says while tryimg to punch will "WTF WILL" i say shouting "i swear its nothing too deep he said he likes her too- shit i wasnt supposed to say tha-"  he says finally getting out of millies hold

"He said wa now" millie says in disbelief "guys shush this is the last 4 hours u have w me until my flight" i say while getting out of bed walking towards the guest bathroom

"Why do u have to go juju bear" william says while wrapping his arms around my waist from behind as i start brushing my teeth oh are we together? Hell no will is my best best friend ever hes been there when i needed him the most hes my home and nothing more then just friends

"so plans for today" mills say "im thinking hmmm... Sunny weather...no wind....no parenst ...some friends over YACHT RIDEEE" will says while jumping aroudn "you know wat im so down for that" i say as we part ways to get changed

some friends over YACHT RIDEEE" will says while jumping aroudn "you know wat im so down for that" i say as we part ways to get changed

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Liked by, MILLSWITHTHEBILLS, CHRISSYWAKEUP@JULIESUPREME jujubear is leaving me in an hour

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@JULIESUPREME jujubear is leaving me in an hour


@whotfisjulie omg stop i love you willy boy xx

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