i'll learn

563 14 20

★.- this chapter Is long as an apology for the delay
(Also i deeply Apologize If this episode Is not as good as the others, i'll try to make the next episode the best i can)

Gabriel still at Mark's house stayed to talk a little more at the request of Six, who had insisted that he stay, they talked for a long time, it was undoubtedly very pleasant, and thanks to this Gabriel got Six to relax a little more around him,
That certainly made him happy, knowing that Six was less scared made Gabriel's newly discovered heart feel happy

They were both on the sofa still talking, it was impressive the number of things that had to be talked about, being creatures that have existed for so long, without a doubt, left a few anecdotes
The conversation was still going then a noisy click reached Gabriel's ears, the front door opened revealing a young man in a gray sweatshirt who looked sweaty and tired, even a little sick...

"dad... im home..." the boy said, sounding exhausted, his voice sounded hurried, as if he was short of breath
"He... ah, Mark is here..." The angel ought thinking on what else to say when the moment of talking came...
Gabriel was going to check if Six had noticed the boy's arrival, when said alternative got up from the sofa as fast as he could, the reaction certainly surprised Gabriel, it didn't scare him, but it did make him a bit nervous, the place got a little cold as soon as Six's presence went away, he could hear voices from the other side of the room, the entrance of the house , and at certain moment everything became a silence

"I wonder..." That was his only tought, when he got once again surprised by a presence, this time, wasn't Six, but rather Mark who sit in the same sofa his dad was sitting a moment before, "oh... what am i supposed to say... Hi?" Gabriel considered several options, slightly tightening the sleeves of his robe, but said nothing when he noticed the tired and sweaty face of the young man who did not look good at all, The angel looked directly into the eyes of the boy who was sitting in front of him, he didn't take his eyes off, he was worried, no doubt, but... he just didn't know what to say...

at one point their eyes crossed, Gabriel straightened as he passed, he just didn't expect to receive the sudden look, He was already considering leaving, he really was going to, until the boy smiled gently at him, and stood still, God, at that precise moment Gabriel felt that he had received an award for the simple fact of being there...

Mark didn't greet him, he just offered him that smile while breathing hard... Gabriel knew something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what it was, he got up and walked a little closer to the boy, his height stood out as Mark had to lift his face to see Gabriel's.

who just watched him, trying to figure out the boy's behavior, and hoping he didn't think he was a freak, the silence was so short, and it ended as soon as six returned to the room, the truth was, it wasn't even a minute the time he was absent, but it felt like a lot for the two present in the room,

"Mark, calm down, I finally found your inhaler, please breathe"
the man said giving the object to His son, who thanked him with a small smile, putting the item to use, finally being able to breathe properly, and also regaining his ability to speak

"Thanks... Thanks dad, heh, i tought i was gonna die"
Mark laughed a little at his own comment, but neither Gabriel nor Six found it funny, Six even looked a little...concerned about the comment.

"Mark, what have i said about dying jokes?" The alterdad asked with a kinda frowned expression

"Ah... Yeah, sorry dad, i didn't meant to do It, these kind of jokes are usual with humans, Is. Is nothing to worry about"

again Mark smiled at him, who looked a little a little sorry for his joke. Six relaxed his expression, taking the device from Mark's hands and disappearing down the hall to what Gabriel assumed was Mark's room.

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