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Dinozzo was confused as he entered the cubicles, an eyebrow raised as he looked towards his boss’ cubicle. Where Lery Jethro Gibbs normally sat was now occupied by a woman Dinozzo had never before laid eyes on. She definitely didn’t seem to fit in - her hair was a faux-hawk, seemingly dyed silver , she was dressed in some sort of pale yellow athletic tank top but surely had a visitor’s pass around her neck. She was cute..Dinozzo smirked while approaching her. “Excuse me,” he said, puffing up his chest and flashing his winning smile. The woman turned in the chair, revealing bare midriff , the shortest black spandex shorts the agent had ever seen and gray running sneakers. “I can escort you to whomever you’re waiting for. This may not be where you need to be, miss. It’s quite alright, mix ups happen often.” The woman raised an eyebrow, and an amused smile crossed her nude lips. “Thank you,I think?, but I’m exactly where I need to be.” Confused, Dinozzo asked who she was waiting for. 

“My boyfriend.” Dinozzo blinked. “Okay, ma’am, you’re sitting at Special Agent Gibbs desk - I’m sure whatever temp you’re dating thinks they’re slick, but you need to vacate this area.” A throat cleared behind Dinozzo - he knew that sound entirely too well. He turned to see Leroy Jethro Gibbs - his boss, the man that scared the shit out of him more than anything. “Sir, I - I’m sorry. I’m not sure who this is, but I’m trying to-” Gibbs glanced over Dinozzo’s shoulder and motioned for the woman to come to him. She stood and came to his side. “Sir, I’m sure she just got confused,” Dinozzo tried, attempting to keep the woman from getting that terrifying Gibbs tone.

Agent Anthony Dinozzo had lived his entire life thinking he couldn’t be truly shocked, but at this moment of July 18th, at just after eight in the morning, he got the shock of a lifetime. Gibbs had apparently been holding his normal coffee in one hand, but an iced coffee in a plastic cup in the other hand. He set both down on the edge of Dinozzo’s desk and took the woman into his arms, dipped her low and kissed her sweetly before helping her back up. “Pick up your jaw off the floor, son,” Gibbs said, turning now to gather the coffees and hand the iced to the woman. “Waiting for me?,” he asked her. The woman smirked. “Like I promised.” She took a sip of her coffee, and smiled wide. “You remembered.” “Caramel medium original, three cream, three sugar, four caramel. Easiest order there is,” Gibbs teased. Dinozzo began to think he was being punked. “Very funny sir,” he groaned. Gibbs raised an eyebrow, but focused on the woman. “Off to the gym?” “Yeah,” she said, as Gibbs picked up an out of sight white backpack. “Got everything you need?” “I do.” “Call me when you head off for your errands, and when you get home?” “Don’t I always?” Gibbs leaned in and pecked her lips in a soft kiss, and mumbled three words that stopped Dinozzo in his tracks. “I love you. I’ll pick you up at seven.” “I love you,too,” she mused, slipping Gibbs’ NCIS wind breaker off of the chair and walking away. 

Gibbs settled at his desk and turned to his computer. “Spit it out, Anthony.” “Sir- what- what was-” “Who, son. Didn’t they teach you this in school? Before you get the others and interrogate me, here’s your gossip. Her name is Taylor, she’s twenty five and we met at the coffee shop a few months ago. Now leave me alone to work.” 

Through the day, Dinozzo kept an eye on Gibbs and swore he was being pranked. Sure enough, Gibbs did take two phone calls and occasionally checked his phone - the day was slow enough for it. At just around five, Gibbs promptly stood up from his desk and walked out without a word, leaving behind some files neatly set aside. Once he was out of eyesight, Dinozzo ran to find Abby.

After filling her in, as he’d physically stopped her from leaving by telling her it’s Gibbs, Abby’s jaw dropped. “He asked me to make a reservation at The Anchor!” “Isn’t that place more so for the military?” “Did you forget that Gibbs was a Marine and is a veteran..and it’s open to civilians. You’re going to ask me to stake it out with you, aren’t you?” “No!..Yes.” “Let me go home and get changed, I’ll meet you there in an hour.” Dinozzo looked at his watch. “He said he would pick her up at seven, it’s half past five. We have time if we hurry to stay out of sight.”

Dinozzo and Abby had found a table out of sight and had eyes locked on the main entrance when Dinozzo nudged Abby to look close. There was Gibbs , dressed in a button down and slacks, with Taylor on his arm! Her mohawk was curled a bit to the side, she had navy blue lipstick on and silver smokey eye makeup ; this was explained by Abby as Anthony was lost. Dinozzo’s jaw dropped at her mini black dress and open heels. “He looks so happy,” Abby cooed, smiling as she watched the couple from afar. “She’s apparently twenty five! Isn’t know..not in his twenties? More like his early fifties?” “Hey, love is love.” “I don’t buy it. This must be some sort of mid-life crisis.” “Really? You think Gibbs would have a mid-life crisis? Maybe he’s just found someone he wants to be with.” “It’s weird! What does a fifty year old man even do with a twenty year old woman?” From behind Dinozzo, an older woman tapped his shoulder. “Young man, don’t question love. Young and new, or older and known? Love is a beautiful, mysterious thing.” Abby chuckled, watching Gibbs and Taylor with drinks at a table across the place. An old country song began to play, and Gibbs stood up, holding out his hand with a smirk. Taylor took it, and Gibbs led her to the cleared floor. Abby was in awe at how Gibbs spun Taylor into his arms, dancing with her and holding her close to his chest. Abby couldn’t help but sneak a photo of the pair dancing. 

“Come on, Tony. Let’s get out of here and leave them alone. Gibbs is happy, let’s just be happy for him.” Tony sighed, and got up with Abby while leaving some money on the table. He began to leave with Abby - but heard that familiar throat clearing. “Abby, you can have my stuff,” Tony groaned. “Abs, Dinozzo. Really?” “Gibbs, I can-” Taylor interrupted with a slight chuckle. “You must be Abby? Finally, it’s lovely to meet you. Jethro has bragged about you and Dr.Mallard.” Abby blushed and Gibbs smirked. “Did you two really stake out my date?” Taylor was holding Gibbs’ arm, mumbling an ‘Excuse me’ and heading for the tucked away washrooms. Abby slipped away to follow Taylor. 

“Care to explain why you’re spying on me?” Anthony rubbed the back of his neck. “I..thought you were messing with me. Sir, is there something you need with? Erm, talk through? She’s quite young and..” Gibbs had a stern expression and his arms were crossed. “I can’t just be attracted to and find common ground with a beautiful, romantic, kind, loving woman?” Dinozzo shut up instantly. 

In the restroom, Taylor was touching up her lipstick and talking with Abby. The pair were getting along famously as Taylor blushed through telling how she and Jethro met. “I work part time as a Barista at The Coffee Pot. He started coming in daily, and when I was on shift he’d order a sandwich and sort of sit with me on my breaks. It was like clockwork..for a few months, we sat and talked and he’d started buying me coffee. Four months ago, he asked me on a date we are.” “That is so sweet,” Abby gushed, smiling wide. Gibbs had his romantic, loving traits and this was a gentle side of him even she’d never seen. Although, Abby looked at Gibbs in an almost fatherly fashion, just like Ducky. “Why don’t you come hang out with me at the lab tomorrow.” Abby asked when Taylor revealed she’d graduated with an associates in forensic science the year prior. “Maybe you could work with me? I could use an intern!” Abby was gushing and proud of the idea - she’d definitely take on Taylor happily and when Taylor agreed? Abby took the girl’s arm and walked out to where Gibbs and Tony were. “Oh crap, I think he killed Dinozzo,” Abby sighed. Taylor chuckled as Abby started programming Taylor’s number into her phone. “I’ll meet you in the morning and help with paperwork to get you on as my intern.” “Awesome!”

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