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Okay, so not much in here is fictionized, but some is. This is also a happier chapter because of the convo between Bella and George. So enjoy!! 5 comments for the next update?? (I've seen lots of my fans do it, so I thought I'd try it out). Be sure to tell anyone who is going through a situation like this to read this book. This is meant to help those people. Enjoy!


Monday was okay. Jeffery wasn't there. Tuesday... Jeffery was there. Let me start off by saying, no, he didn't try anything. He was with Dallas. I had just come down the stairs and saw Jeffery and Dallas walking together. I had told Dallas about what happened. Hopefully he hadn't said anything? They were laughing, so that was a good sign. I guess. I had told Dallas during Driver's Ed just last night, so I was hoping he wasn't saying anything.

They saw me and I managed a smile. “Hey guys.”

“Hey,” Dallas nodded his head once.

“Hey, how are you?” Jeffery smiled at me.

I cleared my throat and messed with my hair. “I'm good.”

I walked into my fourth period classroom—given school hadn't officially “started” yet—and laid my head down.

“You okay?” my chemistry teacher asked me.

I looked up at her. “I'm fine.”

“Just making sure,” she said as she typed on her computer.

When the bell rang, I went to my first period and let the day take its course. The entire time I kept an eye out for Jeffery. I was scared. Though Dallas had told me in Driver's Ed that I shouldn't be worried, I was scared shitless. I mean... I don't know. I guess I really was just paranoid? Was I paranoid? Was I going crazy? To my pleasure, I didn't run into Jeffery the remainder of the day.

On the bus, at the end of the day, I was practically spilling my guts out to a guy named George. I felt so sorry for him—given he had to put up with me. Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut?

“And so yeah,” I shrugged, finishing my rant.

“Bella,” he said, leaning in. (I was sitting in seat 26, and he was right across in 25). “Honestly, you just need to talk to more people. It's like I said when I first met you, you're just a really shy person and you need to come out of your shell a little.”

“It's not like I don't try, George,” I told him. “I always mess it up somehow.”

“The way I see it, is that you just need to be confident. I know you're scared someone will hurt you again, but you know what? You need to take risks in your life. And don't dwell on the negative side. Try and learn or if it turns out good, then be happy.”

“I feel bad for you,” I smiled, shaking my head. “I keep telling you about my problems when you probably don't even wanna know.”

“I don't mind,” he shrugged. “I help a lot of people with their problems.”

“Let me know when to shut up,” I told him.

“That's probably not going to happen, but I'll let you know.”

I put my knees under my chin and looked at the design of the seat. “So how've you been?”

“Good. I'm entering something in for the art show this Saturday.”

“Cool, what?”

“I took seven car parts and made, like, a man or whatever.”

“I wanna see that,” I said.

“I'll try and bring it,” he laughed at me.

I went back to looking at the seat. How did this boy put up with my shit almost every day? He was probably the only one who would ever put up with it... I dunno.

“Bella,” he said.

I looked at him.

“You need a boyfriend. Like, I'm being dead serious. If you got a boyfriend, most of your problems would be solved,” he said.

“Well, no one likes me except Jeffery. I mean, come on now. Who else—besides you—is gonna put up with me? You're nicer than most guys, so you want to help, and listen. Other guys... They want to manipulate me.” I shrugged, at loss for words for a moment.

“Ask out the guy you like,” he shrugged.

I scoffed. “Like he'd actually like me.”

Cody—the guy I like—isn't exactly “social.”

“Quit being hard on yourself, Bella,” George said. “You never know until you take the chance.”

“I'm not good with taking risks, George,” I shook my head.

“Just try,” he pleaded.

“I do. All the time,” I said, wanting to cry. But I kept my composure.

“Just try harder,” he laughed. “And Bella?”


“When you get home, eat.”

“Um... Okay?” I laughed.

“I'm being serious; you get skinnier and skinnier every time I see you,” he said.

“Well, I do eat,” I informed him.

“Eat more,” he told me.

“I'm busy. I have driver's ed, responsibilities at home, and I don't get home from driver's ed till eight thirty,” I shrugged.

“Eat in your spare time.”

“Okay, George.”

The bus came to my stop and I got off, walking along the sidewalk to my house. I loved the conversations George and I had. They made my day most of the time. I went in my house and went to my room and set my stuff down. I sat on my bed, and thought about what George said. How was I supposed to take this risk? How was I supposed to ask out Cody? Should I ask out Cody? I wish I knew the answers.


Thoughts? Should Bella ask out Cody? (She's liked him for a month, if it helps). Do you think Jeffery will try something else? Do you like Dallas? How about George? Is Bella paranoid, or does she have every reason to be...spaztic or whatever the word is? Comment your answers, please!


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