| 2 | Baby Project

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Location- McEachern HS
Date- September 15, 2021 Wednesday
Time- 7:45am

---------------------------Location- McEachern HSDate- September 15, 2021 WednesdayTime- 7:45am --------------------------D A' V I N C H I  POV

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"And this is Mr. Griffin , your home room teacher ." She smiled and twirled her hair around her finger .

"Tianna , right ?" I asked , she nodded . "Thank you ."

"Anytime , let me know if you need anything else . She smiled , as she headed to class .

I walked into my home room and spoke to the teacher . I came late yesterday , so I missed homeroom . He directed me to sit in an empty in the back of the room . As it got closer to 8 the room started filling in .

"If it isn't Romeo ." I heard someone laugh as they sat next to me .

It was Chris . He extended his hand for a shake .

"If it isn't my understudy ." I laughed back , dapping him up .

"I saw you talking to Dakota last night ." He said , while focusing hard on me . "You tryna slide on her ?"

"Not at all ." He must like her . "Just was talking about the play .. you know." I said , shrugged it off .

I wasn't about to tell him I got Dakota number last night . He been here way longer than me and clearly made no progress with her . He couldn't even make it to practice for her .

Ding ! Ding !

The bell rung as Chris turned back in his chair . The teacher began taking attendance before addressing the class . We are only in home room for about 20/30 minutes max , before going to our first period class .

The bell rung again , dismissing us from homeroom . I went out into the crowded hallway a little confused on how to find my next class . It's not like they gave me a map of the building .

As I was bumping through the crowd .. I managed to find that Tianna girl again . She was standing by the lockers with a group of her friends . Dakota was one of them .

As I was making my way over to them all of them walked off except Tianna . She was still standing at her locker .

"Mind helping me again ?" I asked , approaching her with a kiddy smile . She giggled , before grabbing my schedule from me to see where to next .

"Looks like you have 1A with me . Just follow me ." She smiled , as she grabbed my hand and lead the way .

As we walked through the halls .. a couple of people were pointing at us and gossiping with their friends. Just like when I was walking with Dakota yesterday .

We made it to our 1A class , as Tianna told me to sit next to her . One of the girls she was talking to at the locker came and sat in front of her . They effortlessly held a conversation .. paying me no mind . Although, the friend she was talking to looked so familiar.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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