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Ochako didn't have another dream that night. It annoyed her, because she wanted to see- she wanted to see if that mysterious figure was the girl next to her now, Tsuyu Asui. The seaweed green hair that flowed down her back, tied in a neat bow-like hairstyle at the end- it looked too similar.

"Uraraka." Ochako snapped up at her name being called, "Are you going to start paying attention now instead of staring off into space?" Mr. Aizawa called her out, and Ochako felt her cheeks redden. Oops.

"Y-Yes sir. Sorry, Mr. Aizawa..." Ochako mumbled, some of her classmates making small giggles.

Aizawa nodded. "Right. Well, like I was saying beforehand," He pulled out a book of some kind. "You and a partner will be reading this book and making an essay and presentation about it."

Ashido raised her hand, but didn't wait for permission to speak- as usual. "Hey, Mr. Aizawa, can we pick our-"

"No, Ashido." The black-haired man interrupted her, earning a collective groan from the class. "You will be working with the person next to you, that's better than me pairing you up with someone you hate, isn't it, Ashido?" He looked back at the pink-haired girl.

"Um, no- " Ashido started, looking at the boy next to her, Hitoshi Shinsou, who wore an equally displeased look on her face.

"I agree," Shinsou started, "I'd rather work with a ticking time bomb like Bakugo than someone who'll make me do all the work."

"What was that, you filthy extra?!" Bakugo screamed back at Shinsou, who had a smug look on his face.

Ochako took the chance to talk to Tsuyu, "So, Tsu, about the project?" she whispered.

Tsuyu looked back at Ochako, "Right, kero. What about it?" Tsuyu looked mostly uneasy. Maybe she was nervous about the project? Ochako guessed this was her first big grade of the year. ( Tsuyu was actually just surprised she had the same dream again. And that Ochako remembered her. Or was she remembering Ochako, since it was her dream? Tsuyu didn't know. Of course, Ochako doesn't need to know that.)

"Well, since we're gonna be partners, we might as well exchange numbers, right? That way we can figure stuff out." Ochako suggested, "Not if you're like, uncomfortable with it, though!! Agh, I'm sorry!!"

Exchange numbers, Tsuyu thought, I can't say no- but I don't have a phone-

Tsuyu instinctively reached down into her bag anyways, surprised when she pulled out a familiar looking device. "...Sure, kero." She said with a smile.

"Great!" Ochako looked past Tsuyu at the arguing still going on between Bakugo, Mina, and Shinsou. Iida was there now as well, trying to calm things down by aggressively waving his hand. It seemed Mr. Aizawa gave up on getting them to stop.

Ochako pulled out a small piece of paper, Tsuyu doing the same once she realized she could actually unlock the phone.

"Here you go!" Ochako grinned, giving the small paper to Tsuyu, who in turn gave Ochako her's. "I'll text you when I get home, okay?"

Tsuyu smiled, "Okay, kero."


Ochako was walking home from school, phone by her ear. "Yeah! Crazy, right?" She laughed into the other side. She was coming home from Yaomomo's house. Jirou, Mina, and Hagakure were there as well. She'd been there a few hours, and looking at her phone clock, it was currently 7 pm. She knew her parents weren't home yet- they had to attend some work party, so Ochako wouldn't get in much trouble.

" So, you really think that Asui girl is some strange shadow you saw in your dream? You going crazy, Ochako?" Ochako's friend, Jirou said from the other side.

"I hope not," Ochako jokes, shuffling her hand around her pocket searching for her keys. Once she found them, she inserted them into the lock, with a satisfied click sound. "Anyways, I have to go. Gotta figure out that project stuff."

" Ugh. Don't remind me! I'm lucky I got Hagakure. Poor Kirishima, having to work with Bakugo!"

Ochako laughed, "Yeah, I couldn't imagine. Well, I'll see you Monday, Jirou." Jirou made a sound of affirmation on the other end, clicking the button to end the call.

Ochako sighed, climbing up the stairs. Her parents weren't going to be home until late today. Changing into something more comfortable, she searched her school bag for a tiny piece of paper. Once she found it, she inserted the numbers into her phone, clicking the message button.

You: hey, is this Tsuyu? It's Ochako. :)

She got an immediate reply.

Unknown: yeah :)

Unknown: where should we meet for the project?

Ochako quickly saved the number as Tsu's.

You: I know this super nice cafe/bakery! It's run by Sato's family, actually!!

Tsu: really? where is it?

She typed the address of the cafe, and the two of them agreed to meet tomorrow. Ochako set an alarm for 7- which was rather early, but if they wanted to meet at 9...

Speaking of getting up early, Ochako looked at the alarm clock. It was about 8, now, and Ochako's such a heavy sleeper...

She felt her eyes close, falling into the comfort of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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