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I went about my business as usual, had some breakfast, took a shower and dragged myself to class. Yet another lecture by some incompetent teacher, who should have never obtained his degree. Sure, he knows what he's talking about, but I don't see him getting the message across to anyone. You can tell by just looking around. First of all, only about two thirds of the people supposed to be here showed up. Secondly, about half of those are on their phone, a bunch are talking, or on their laptops. A quick count tells me that a whopping nine people are actually taking notes and paying attention. I sigh and look over to my classmates, about halfway across the auditorium. Again I'm sitting by myself, I still wonder how I managed to keep the illusion that they actually liked me for so long. I reside to my phone as well, and head to twitter. Lately, about half of my life seems to take place there. It's my escape really, because they seem so close this way.

I go over to their pages and smile when I see the 'follows you' button on all four of them. Ben, Rodney, Danny and The Script. Four out of four, how did I even manage? I decide to send a DM to the lads. 'Hey lads, got the most boring lecture right now.. any tips to get me through?'. I let it go and get into random conversations with some unfamiliar accounts. However, they are super friendly and massive fans as well. It feel like an hour has passed, but when I look at the time, it's only been a couple of minutes. I sigh. I love my study, I really do, only lectures like these make me lose hope. It's unfair, because how am I supposed to understand the material if some lousy lector who cannot convey a message should be making things more clear? Suddenly my phone vibrates, I grab it, expecting a random message of some sort. When I realize what the notification tells me, my heart skips a beat. I got a response to my DM! I attempt not to squeal, and luckily succeed, people think I'm weird enough as it is. Obviously my phone decides to bug me by being really slow and not properly connected to the internet, and I'm almost tempted to throw it to the bottom of the auditorium, when it finally shows me the response. Without breathing I read: 'You should pay attention! Try and be a smart girl haha. X Mark'. As fast as my fingers allow me I respond: 'I know I should, but I'm almost beyond brain dead! #incompetentteaching haha'.

Every once in a while they take a look at how many people attend the lectures, and a list is going round. Right as it gets handed to me, I receive another notification on my phone. I scribble down something that vaguely resembles an autograph, if you look closely you might be able to decipher my last name. Whatever, it will do, it's not like the teachers will be too bothered. I grab my phone and can barely believe when I see I got yet another reply. 'That's a bummer, I've got a tip for you then. Our lovely bassist Ben seems a bit bored too, you should entertain him ;) x Mark'. I nearly burst out in laughter, but quickly get myself together and pretend like the strange looks I'm getting don't exist. I head over to Ben's twitter page and send him a DM. 'A little bald birdy with a beard let it slip that you seem to be bored. I'm dealing with that too, I think we should help each other?'. Barely two minutes had passed when I got a reply. 'So it seems then. Well let's see if you can provide me with entertainment!'. I don't even think about my response, it's written within a few seconds. 'Well I'm not that good at entertaining to be honest, but I should be able to keep a fairly decent conversation going. My lecture is useless anyways haha'. Great. More than 140 characters. Let's try again. 'Well I'm not that good at entertaining tbh, but I should be able to keep a fairly decent conversation going. My lecture is useless anyways!'. They should seriously do something about that character limit, it's only killing the mood.

Suddenly I get this crazy thought, which I dismiss straight away. I figured that Whatsapp does not have a character limit on messages, making it less stressful to keep a conversation going smoothly. What if I just joke about character limit and ask Ben for his phone number? I mentally laugh at myself for even considering such a ridiculous idea, as if he would give his number to me. A response by Ben gets me out of my thoughts and silent laughing fit. Whilst reading the response, my jaw nearly drops to the ground and it takes all my strength not to scream at the top of my lungs and run around like a lunatic. 'I wanted to write a witty response, but character limit is ruining things. If you have Whatsapp, send your number, that's easier okay?'. Ben wants my number. Ben wants my number? Ben wants my number! Ben asked for my phone number. What? How? My mind is racing, my heart is freaking out. I pinch myself to make sure this is actually happening. In my enthusiasm I pinch myself too hard and my eyes tear up. At least I'm sure that this is real now. 

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