Chapter 1: Apocalypseburg

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Emmet's POV:

It has been a few years ever since I've saved the world from destruction along with my friends, Lucy, Batman, Metalbeard, Unikitty, and Benny. We now live in hardened and what my friends like to call it, more mature society. It's now Apocalypseburg. Everyone here, well, besides me, have changed and grown up to be tougher. Although. No matter how much I've tried to change into my tough alter ego. I just could not stop being upbeat and cheerful. Alot of my friends keep accusing and insulting me for not being tough. But that doesn't faze me too much at all really.

Anyway, right now I'm on my way to the coffee shop to get some coffee for me and Lucy. I kept a bright smile on my face and waved past some of my friends.

"Hello everyone! Sure is a nice day in Apocalypseburg, isn't it?" Emmet said, but everyone just grunted and shook their heads. But Emmet ignored their gazes on him and kept walking. Eventually, he reached the coffee shop, he opened up the door and walked over to the counter still carrying that bright smile on his face.

"Two Coffees please, one black, and one with just a touch of cream and 25 sugars." Emmet said, Larry had hesitation, but gave Emmet the coffee's as Emmet waited patiently with other people standing behind him waiting to order.

Eventually, he was handed the coffee's and walked out of the door and onto the street, not looking at where he was going. He almost got ran over.

"Ahhh! Almost ran me over. Classic." Emmet said chuckling and the others gave harsh glares at him. He picked up a pair of headphones, played some music on his phone. And picked up the coffee's going to see Lucy.

Lucy's POV:

I just don't understand why Emmet hasn't changed yet, well, it's not that I am forcing him to, it's just that I'm worried he's not gonna be taking this whole thing seriously. We've been battling these duplo aliens for fuck sake god knows how long. And everyone has grown up besides Emmet, I'm just scared that at some point, he could get in serious trouble without knowing it. But, right now, I'm just standing ontop of a building, letting my grim and narrative thoughts take over. That of course until Emmet showed up.

"Hey Lucy! I brought you coffee!" Emmet said smiling warmly.

"Coffee, the bitterest of liquids that can provide the only case of pleasure left in these tough times." Lucy said brooding.

"Oh my goshness, did I interupt your brooding just now?" Emmet said interrupting.

"Meh, this brooding session's not really going anywhere." Lucy said.

"Man, I wish I was able to brood like you." Emmet said softly.

"Well, all you need to do is stare off into the distance and narrate whatever grim thoughts come into your head." Lucy said.

"What if one day, there was no Coffee." Emmet said, in an attempt to brood.

"More like, War hardens the heart." Lucy said.

"War hardens our hearts." Emmet said.

"No, listen to me. War." Lucy said.

"War." Emmet said.

"War." Lucy said.

"War." Emmet said.

"War." Lucy said.

"War, I can't brood right now. I'm too happy to see you." Emmet said.

"What's the scariest thing you can think of?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, come to think of it, I actually had a nightmare last night." Emmet said.

"Nightmares are super broody. What was it about?" Lucy asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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