مهما خسرت وتبعثرت فى حياتك ، تأكد أنك لست بفاشل ولا أقل من غيرك ، الفشل هو ان تستسلم ، أن تتأثر ب كلام من حولك ، هم لا يرون ما تراه أنت بذاتك ، هم لا يعلمون معركتك او معاناتك، تبصر فى أعماقك واعرف مميزاتك وقدراتك، ما دمت تحاول وتقاوم ستصل بالنهاية لوجهتك ، والله لن يخذلك 💙
No matter how much you lose and scatter in your life, make sure that you are not a failure or less than others, failure is to give up, to be affected by the words of those around you, they do not see what you see yourself, they do not know your battle or your suffering, you see in the depths and know your advantages and capabilities, what As long as you try and resist, you will eventually reach your destination, and God will not let you down💙
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positive quotes☁️🖤
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