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• Hello, my name is Ahmed and I live with my mother and sisters, and they are the ones who supported me in this world, because I am the youngest of my sisters and I went through a lot of Hajj. We used to live in a small house and we used to eat our parents' pension. Also, the separation of my parents was difficult for all of us, and the same as my older brother, because he was working after my father died in order to take out the house. We didn't even like the house because very strange situations were happening in the house, and the strange thing was that they used to happen and everyone in the house to one who was old and we were together. What happened was that things would disappear once, and we would also see a ghost that I was not old, and we would hear very strange sounds at night. And the day came when my brother raised some money and decided that we would finally leave the house. And we actually saw a good house and decided that we would move to that house. But something strange happened, my sister was preparing the need. And in a room that was always closed, which is my father's place, "God have mercy on him." We were afraid to open this room after my father died, because we noticed that the imagination came and entered from this room, but my sister encouraged herself and decided that she was afraid to answer the need from this room. And she likes the cupboard and the cupboard, so she noticed that in a box that shines, the first time she saw it, she fell into a rage, but she gathered her strength and decided to open it. But I needed a key to why, and when I parked the box until my brother came back and finished, I saw something in the end of the cupboard that was shining and in fact it was the one in my mind. The key, but I noticed that the key was on a piece of paper, and when I looked to read the paper, I saw that it was written on the paper. The door of the curse will open on the one who dares to open the box. Of course, my sister at that time was terrified and waited when my older brother came back and gathered us and told what happened we all feared except for my older brother because he knew the subject. My brother and my parents were more than a father and a son. They loved each other in an unnatural way, and my older brother was always telling my father, Dima, and his age did not lie to him. My father saw that he was the good son who would be able to tell him about the matter. He told his brother the story of this box and advised that no one would open this box. They said that he did not even tell his sisters. At first he refused to tell us the matter, but some secrets from all of us decided to tell the matter. And from here the story of the house began after my grandfather and my sister were living in the house and in the last period of their life my father decided to make them servants to serve them. Unfortunately, the maidservant was a thief, and the need was permanently hidden from my grandfather, and Siti's jewelry was being stolen, and she decided that she would take the thing out of a box, and she would remove this key with my uncle, the youngest son. And in fact, I succeeded in this way, and my uncle asked my grandfather to marry her, but my grandfather refused completely, but the maid was able to put my uncle in her trap, and they were convinced that he was permissible for her without anyone knowing, and in fact it happened, and after two weeks of the passport, she was able to reach the key and the box was It was in my city's cupboard. I could actually reach the box and open it, but I felt that what she was doing was wrong, and I thought that these people trusted her and were worried about me. So she decided to return the key and the box, and her luck was the beast that my grandfather had lost important papers, and this day was very fanatical and entered her while she was inserting the box into the cupboard and she didn't hesitate for a moment to kill her. To marry her, she came out as a thief and killed her in front of them. My uncle collapsed from tears and told his father that if he married her without anyone knowing her capacity, my grandfather was shocked and decided that he would raise my uncle, so he decided that he would imprison him. After she left her heart, she decided that she would open up and take him out. She was shocked by what she saw. She saw someone other than her son whom she knew. My uncle was so delusional that he thought of killing my grandfather and actually entered my grandfather while he was sleeping and decided that they would be killed after what they saw from him and He killed my grandfather with the same knife with which you killed his wife, and when I woke up and saw the sight, I tried to stop him, but he decided to kill her and actually killed her, and I don't know where to hide the knife. His family who died, and when he saw the box and knew what had happened, he decided that he would write this letter. After we heard this story, we were curious to open the box, and my brother actually opened the box. And here was the shock, we found the box completely empty. My mother said that my father might be telling a story to my brother and salvation. And so it was dawn and we fell asleep, but at 7 o'clock we started to hear a very loud crying baby's voice. We found the sound coming from my father's place. My brother decided to be afraid of the situation. And he showed him an entrance. We found the knife that my brother had told us about on the bed and we were drowned in blood. I was standing in shock and I didn't know what to do. Of course, we all went out to the ground when my brother asked us to be his relative, and we actually went out. But it was a long time ago and we were very worried and decided that we were afraid, but when we approached the door, we heard my brother talking to someone, and when we focused in the sound, we found the voice of my father and me and my sister were shocked and I heard my father telling my brother that he must protect us and try to cancel the curse of this box quickly.


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