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Robin Arellano.

Toughest guy in the school.

Well after the grabber took PinBall Vance Hopper.

And god he's perfect.

I'm always scared of Robin walking home alone because I'm scared that the grabber will get him.

He's always telling me that he won't but...I'm still scared.

See me and robin arnt dating but we act like it. We both clearly like eachother but we haven't put a label on us yet.

I was walking to school and started hearing people chanting "fight fight fight fight"

I ran towards the crowd and saw Robin and Moose in the circle.

"You think your so tough huh." Moose said. He seemed very confident in himself...a little TOO confident.

"let's find out" Robin said looking Moose dead in the eyes. He looked really pissed.

"I will pound you, like a nail you scrawny lilttle beaner" he looked so stupid.

"Then do it...unless your scared." Robin said.

Moose thought for a second then threw a punch. Ofc Robin dodge it then beat the shit out of him. Mooses face looked pretty bad and I thought he had enough.

I went up to them and tried to pull Robin off. He pushed me away then looked and saw it was me. I knew he felt bad.

"Shows over pricks" Robin said grabbing my hand and getting me off the ground.

"I'm sorry princesa" he said referring to when he pushed me. "It's okay. Really it is" when he does stuff like this and I say I'm okay but he usually dosnt believe me. "Mhmk"

We went into the school and went to the boys bathroom. The teachers really didn't care and boys where used to girls being in their bathrooms and vise versa.

When we walked in we saw 3 boys standing across from Finney. He was clearly uncomfortable.

Robin stood there and stared at them. They didn't move...ngl I was scared but ofc...that was me...always scared.

That's why people where confused abt me and Robin.

Robin was tough. And scared of nothing. I was...not tough and was scared of everything.

So I just stood behind Robin.

"Dipshits. Move" Robin said annoyed.

They quickly moved over and as we went through them one slightly slapped my ass...not enough for anyone to notice...


Not enough for Robin to notice. Finney did tho and he looked at me. I just shook my head and gave him the eyes.

"Hey Finn" Robin said walking to the sink. I stood on the side closer to Finn basically on top of Robin. I was scared and didn't want to be far from him... he noticed.

He looked at me and I looked at him and shook my head. "What's happening?" Robin asked turning the sink on.

"You know just...keeping on keeping on I guess" Finney said looking back and forth between Robin and the 3 boys.

"Uh-huh. Moose got some damn sharp teeth." The three boys started to walk out. "Wait. Fuck with Finn again. I fuck with you." The boys looked at eachother then left.

I kept quiet but Robin and Finn talked for a while and Finn agreed to help Robin with math. Finn left and Robin turned to me.

"Are you scared of them princesa?" He asked looking confused. "Robin...have you met me. I'm scared of everyone...literally." I said chuckling a little. "Are you ever scared of me?" He asked. He looked so scared of my anwser.

To be honest...yes.

Not all the time

But sometimes he's a little scary

"Well...I- sometimes" I saw looking down. Robin looked hurt but nodded his head. "Don't be." He grabbed my hand and headed for the door. "Robin...I have to tell you something...I don't want to but I am." He stopped and looked very confused.

I told him about the boy when we walked passed.

"WHICH one" he said very pissed. "The one with long black ha-" "poofy or straight" "stra-" he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the bathroom.

We went around the halls and finally spotted him. Robin still haven't let go of my hand. "Robin let go." No anwser. "Robin please" I was almost crying now. "ROBIN I'm scared please" he listened and let go but kept walking. Of course a group surrounded them.

I followed and Finney was behind me. Robin said some shit them started beating him...bad. Like worse than moose. I got too scared. I turned around and hugged Finney. As tight as I can. I started crying. Finney held me and got me out of the group and took me to the bathroom.

We sat on the floor but I still didn't let go. I stopped crying a bit but we just sat here. Robin came in after about 5 minutes. He was in handcuffs...and a cop was behind him. "I'm sorry" was all he said then left.

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