Something to Come Back to.

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Knife watched in suspense as Mephone4 revealed the votes.
He looked to the side to see Suitcase looking away from him in shame. No, she couldn't have-
"Knife. That's two votes, Knife."
No surely they had chosen someone-
"And the 15th eliminated contestant is.."
..oh no
He sat in slight shock, but had a numb expression nonetheless. He couldn't say he wasn't expecting it. He wasn't exactly on good terms with the other 3, so he could have predicted this. Yet, it still shook him to his core just how much things can change within such a short time period.
He lifted himself from his seat as he walked over to the newly opened portal. He stared into the yellow-red abyss ahead of him. He always wondered what it was like to go through it. Though, he wouldn't keep his eyes open to see.
"Any last words?"
"..welp,, I should've expected this. I guess it's my time to go."
He looked back at Suitcase which had a worried and guilty expression on her face. He gave her a light smile with a small thumbs up. And finally stepped through the portal. He kept his eyes shut. He felt the texture of the ground change from old wood to carpet. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the new and bright surroundings. As he paid attention to trying to see, he could hear commotion from down the hall. It sounded like..a fight? He couldn't tell but it sounded like loud clanging metal and people talking.
He ran over to the scene to see what he has just got in on and-
"oh my god"
In front of his own eyes was his older brother standing above his former-blackmailer. He was covered in blood, both of them were.
Trophy looked like shit, he looked like he had been mauled by some wild animal. His left eye was completely covered in blood and had splatters against the wall. His leg looked so bent in a way it shouldn't be. His other eye was half closed, as if he was just about to pass out.
Knife without hesitation ran over to the taller person and grabbed him by his shoulder. Knife had tears in his eyes and he gripped them tightly, holding back every urge to slap him.
Knife continued to scream at him, but all Silver could think about was the blood he was stained with. He remembered Trophy's face before completely blacking out and letting rage take control. He was still so consumed by his feeling he didn't even notice what he had just done-
Before Knife could even finish his rant, he was grabbed by the neck and lifted up. Oh god, so this is what it was like being choked. He placed his hands on Silver's as he looked at him with pleading eyes. Oh my god, he was covered in blood. He had a smear across his face and his eyes were much foggy than usual. He hated this new him.
Tears rolled down from Silver's face as he blinked, looking shocked as he did so. He let go of Knife's neck, causing him to fall to the ground. He didn't exactly land on his knees, but more so in a crouched position. He put his hands on his throat as he caught his breath.
He looked back up at Silver who was staring at his own hands. They were stained with blood, and so were his clothes. He looked back at Knife with realization in his eyes. He ran away from him and towards a random room in the dormitory corridors. He didn't want to chase after him, he was so done with him. He needed to get out of here, this wasn't the right thing to come back to after being eliminated.
Knife ran out of Hotel OJ, it was pouring rain as he did so. Jeez, he must've not noticed it was raining when the elimination took place. Tears streamed down his face as he ran into the open field. He could hear someone chasing after him but he didn't care, he just really hoped it wasn't Silver.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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