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"Y/N, I know that knowing you have multiple mates still surprise you. I'm sorry about this."

Y/N look at her grandma who hold her hand tightly and look into her eyes.

"Y/N he was about to be awaken." 

"Who's he?"

"The king of spirits"

That word was enough for Y/N to look surprise at her grandma. Unsure on what to do because of the story told to her about the king of spirits.

"W-Wait grandma. If he was to be awaken then this means."

"The choosen one will be the only one to be able to sealed him again."

Y/N doesn't know what to do anymore. It's either one of them are the choosen one or any other spirits user. But knowing only elemental spirits can be the choosen one.

"Do you know who's the choosen one?" Y/N ask her grandma, needing to know who will be able to seal him again.

"Y/N I told you before about the prophecy right?"

"Yes grandma, about the choosen one who able to seal the king of spirits but before that choosen one can gain that power, she/he will be facing or either need to sacrifice so many things."

"One thing Y/N, that choosen one will be sacrificing her/his emotion."

"Grandma, this means?"

"The choosen one will never felt any emotion again. Even after sealing the king of spirits."

"Then what about the choosen one mate?"

"I'm sorry Y/N but your mates will either not gonna accept you as their mate or they were not gonna know that you are their mate. This will be one of the sacifices you need to do."

"W-Why would I need to sacrifice?" Y/N ask her grandma but she just look at Y/N in sadness "d-don't tell me"

That was enough for Y/N to completely cry in front of her grandma.

"This can't be.... this can't be"

Not knowing what to do, Y/N just grab her hair tightly wanting something that will either tell her that it's just a dream or she was just hallucinating.

"Grandma please tell me. I'm not the choosen one right? I don't need to sacrifice my mates right? I would still feel emotion when they started rejecting me right? Please grandma do something. Please I can't bear doing it again. I can't grandma."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Her grandma just hug Y/N knowing that she can't do anything about it.

"Grandma, I can't. I lose my mother by just being both dragon and spirits users. I don't wanna lose something again."

She just hug Y/N tightly. This is what she was afraid of after knowing that Y/N was the choosen one. She can't afford to watch Y/N in pain again.

"Y/N I'm really sorry, if I can just be the choosen one I will. But knowing it's the fate that desides for this one."

"W-What will happen if I can't seal him in time?"

"A chaos will come. He will devour the world using all the evil spirits. He will kill not just us spirits user but all of the supernaturals even the humans."

"F-Fate really want me huh." Y/N mumbled as she stand up


Y/N just look at her grandma in sadness "I will do what the fate want grandma but knowing that. You knew already that once I gain that power, I can't be a hier. Make Lisa unnie the hier."

Piola just look at her granddaughter with a small smile. This is what she already expect. "I will do that but not now."

"Grandma just promise me that no matter what happened to me. Protect them."

"Y/N what are you saying? We will help you on this. You are not alone."

"Grandma only I can seal him. I will not let any of you face him knowing that in the first place, either any of you can't defeat him."

"Defeat? Y/N you were just gonna seal him."

"Grandma. If I will not defeat him then this will happen again in the future. You told me that I will gain a power to seal him again as a elemental spirits." Y/N look at her grandma and smile "I am a dragon after all. I tend to have the instinct to protect my treasures even if I sacrifice my life."


"Grandma just protect them."

"I can't understand what you are trying to say right now."

"You will understand everything soon grandma. Everything I am trying to imply will be more clear when I am facing the one who killed my mother."

"That's just the memories than Y/N let me see."

I look at them who's now looking straight without any emotions.

"Now you know why Y/N can't feel emotions. It's just hard knowing that she was protecting us without our knowledge. The fact that each clan was prioritizing who will be the most powerful clan than what need to prioritize."

"I don't know what to say." Kim mumble as Bae hold her hands. I just look at them and go to Y/N. "So this is the reason why my sister reject Y/N."

"As you both know that only the 4 of us already knew about Y/N fate. It's up whether you want to tell this to your leader or not. Part of the reason why I can't meet my mate and why am I hiding was all because Y/N and I are the only remaining dragons who are still alive. So this is technically why I can't meet my mate, I can't put her life into danger."

"So you and Y/N are about to face him?"

"That's the only way. The life of every supernaturals and even humans are on danger if we won't seal him before his seal is about to be break. I'm not asking you to help us but all I'm asking you if something happens to us. Please take care of our mate."

"What? But we can also help you?"

I blankly look at Bae "how? You know that your help was most needed by your clan member. And how can you fought him?"

"What are you trying to imply huh Hwang? We know that we are not on the same power as you and Y/N but that doesn't mean that we can't help."

"It's up to you Bae but don't even think about fighting him. He's on another level, only us dragons or the choosen one can fight the king of spirits."

"We know that Hwang."

"Then there's nothing to talk about. Don't forget about telling no one what happened in here."

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