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While, Travis and Tyler was packing their things ..... Jojo rushed out to the car... Hurriedly run to the Cranberry Smoothie Shop.....

While Jojo was running she suddenly bump... Someone holding a Cranberry juice ....


The Cranberry Juice was spilled in Jojo's dress....

Oh My G!!!!!!!! Jojo said

I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it .... Travis said

What have you done !!! Jojo replied maddly

Why?? I didn't mean it , YOU JUST BUMPED ME!!!!!! Travis replied irritated

Stop!!! Stop!!!! Guys please stop!!!! I SAID STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tyler said maddly looking at Travis and Jojo

You two look like Cat and Dog !!!! Fighting each other ....

I'm sorry miss , Don't mind if I ask your name ??? Tyler said

I'm Jojo Siwa ... Never mind about what happened today and what did your bastard twin did to me .... Jojo said pointing her finger to Travis...

I'm sorry I have a name... Its actually-


Suddenly when Travis is about to say he's name , Tyler's phone Rang!!

Its their mom ......

Travis we need to go, Aubrey's family is already waiting for us ....

We need to go-o-o ummm... Oh yeah your name was Jojo ok bye and sorry again ... Tyler said as they walked to their car.......

WHO WILL I CHOOSE BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOUWhere stories live. Discover now