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They had just woken up, but they were too excited about their new plan to wait until night. They sat down, and started writing

"Okay, I do not have any new things to share, as I have just awoken. Though! I hadn't been able to sleep that well, as I've just been thinking about my plan. So like I said, I need a strong cookie to break the eye ball with the essence in it. I'm not even sure what will happen if they do, but I need to try this out. Hopefully the essence will be gifted to me and I will ascend to dragon being, that's what I'm counting on! And then the real fun begins! Oh- The Longan Dragon is calling me, I apologize but I have to go."

Late at night, they sit back at their table and continue their writing for today.

"Okay so I have official confirmation that if someone breaks the eye ball, it will transform me in specific into a dragon! The Longan Dragon said the essence will recognize the cookie with the strongest dragon desire, and will ascend it to dragon being! So that part of my plan is set. Now.. When I'm a dragon a lot of things are gonna change here. First off, this whole castle is going back were it was, under the water, hopefully in ruins! And I will enjoy myself my first buffet as dragon, a nice meal of Longan Dragon. I'm so sick of them! I will arise above everyone! Then, I'll easily defeat the other dragons, especially that pest called Lychee Dragon. Sometimes I hate it more than the Longan Dragon! Then, I will simply take over Earthbread! Though.. They probably won't listen to me, but I have a plan for that too! I will simply wait until the Longan Dragon's takeover begins! Then every cookie will be turned to stone! And then when they wake back up, I will be the only one standing above! They will simply learn to fear me! Or else I'll make them! Ah.. My plan is unstoppable! Well.. Now I just need to find a cookie strong enough. Or.. Perhaps. A dragon.. Strong enough? Ahah.. Perfect."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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