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JisungXchan aka jichan
I don't see many stories related to them so why not make one🤔.
Its been 3 months that jisung has a caregiver. he was very shy about being a little and wasn't ready to tell anybody.He wasn't planning to tell chan either but luck wasn't at his side that day.He slipped into his headspace in the studio luckily changbin went home early that day, but chan was still at the studio so jisung tried to  act big but he couldn't and chan noticed the change in behaviour of jisung and he noticed from the very start that jisung was not well and wasn't able to concentrate, when he couldn't stand jisung being in trouble all by himself chan went towards jisung and asked softy"what happened sungie are u ok?"the moment jisung heard the nickname he teared up and chan immediately hugged him and patted his back and reassured that everything was fine.Jisung decided that he should atleast tell chan "hyung sungie ish a wittle pwease down't hawte sungie" chans eyes softened and he immediately knew that jisung was a little because he have read too many articles about it "its ok baby hyung won't hate you how can hyung hate such a cute baby huh?"chan said that while squishing jisung cheeks lightly and jisung let out a giggle and from then chan became jisung's caregiver eventually.
Jisung felt comfortable enough to tell the other member about his headspace ofcourse with  help of chan, chan encouraged jisung to made up his mind.

So,it was the day when jisung will finally tell everybody but he was still nervous that everyone will hate him but he can't hide it for too long, they will know about it sooner or later so he decided to tell them about it himself chan told him that he didn't have to force himself for anything.jisung replied that he wasn't forcing himself he just needed chan beside him thats all.

Chan told everyone to be present in the living room at sharp 5:30 and everybody followed their leader's order and were there on time. "Jisung wants to tell y'all something" everybody nodded and shifted their attention to jisung,jisung let out a shaky sigh and said "soo,I don't know if u r gonna hate me after knowing this but I can't hide it for too long"everybody was confused but stayed silent so that jisung could continue "ok soo..." Chan moved closer to jisung and held his hand reassuring him that he was here "getting straight to the point I am a little" getting no reaction he thought that everyone hated him already so he teared up and slipped into his head space chan immediately knew and hugged him everybody realised that they were quite for long time and said "jisung we don't hate you" hearing that little peaked out from chans embrace looking like a cute squirrel everyone cooed and jisung said"weally chu all don haete me?"they all chuckled at his cuteness and replied "yes we don't hate you"jisung giggled and waddled towards minho and said"up up"minho picked jisung up "can we cuwddle?" "Ofc baby we can" chan pouted "are you really leaving me alone?" Jisung shook his head vigorously indicating a big no "nuuuu hyung cwuddle too" chan chuckled and nodded.changbin said "well looks like jisung has a friend to play with" everybody looked at changbin's direction and felix came out from behind changbin changbin added"well lixie is a little too he was just shy to tell y'all but the moment he saw jisung is a little he slipped so yeah" everybody were in awe how cute lix looked when he was shy.jisung squealed "lixie u a wittle too?" Lix nodded shyly and jisung started dancing in minho's arms singing he has a friend now everyone chuckled at his cuteness and were busy admiring both littles.

At the end of the day everyone watched a movie and cuddled with each other.Littles enjoyed their time a lot.


So yeah this is the second chp and ik I took a long break and not posting regularly already but I can't help it  my exams are going on soo yeah hope you enjoyed the story and if you did please comment so that I can interact with you and vote id u like the story it will encourage me to write more.
Thank you~

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