Chapter 1: Uno Reverso

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Disclaimer: Hey kiddos, so before we jump in, let me just set some stuff up as we jump in. So many of you know I'm partial to Izuocha, however, I know many of my readers either don't like the ship or prefer none at all.

To address this, anything beyond an Izuocha tease, friendship moment or complement will be featured in a #.5 chapter or section of a chapter and will not be the main plot nor a significant driving factor outside of friendship. Again, these chapters will either be featured as their own chapters labeled #.5 OR will be placed at the tail end of the preceding chapter.

As an example of this, (and this is not foreshadowing a future chapter) Chapter 2.5 would have some Izuocha, but chapters 2 & 3 will not. It's not necessary to read chapter 2.5 for the story, but it's there if you want. There might be an occasional slip-up and I do accidentally write a part not included in the regular chapters. If there is such an inconsistency, please notify me immediately so that I may fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to read that, so here's what you came for!


Things were not looking up for Izuku.

Well to be fair, he was looking up... At the giant robot barring down on him while he sat on his ass.

The rumbling and grinding of the huge metal tracks shaking the earth draws his attention at first, but then he spots her.

Somehow examining the scene before him with relative calmness, he sees a familiar girl who's leg is pinned underneath some rubble. Attempting to free herself, she manages to use her quirk on the chunk of concrete, but she's already used her quirk so much earlier that she immediately pukes.

'It's that nice girl who saved me from falling! I- I have to help!' He thinks. He starts breaking into a jog, quickly breaking into a full on run as he's swarmed by fear.

'What am I doing? What Am I Doing?! WHAT AM I DOING?!?' His brain screams at himself.

"What can a quirkless loser do? Nothing! Hahaha! Your just a-" 'Someone needs my HELP!!!' Izuku screams internally, drowning out the horrible memory. Within an instant, before he could even think, his whole body went numb as his new quirk One For All had activated. Plowing him directly into the center of the robot.


UA'a robots are famous for their design, repairability, and decent job of mimicking villains compared to every other hero school. Seeing as they are they only robots in Japan for this task.

In the center of each robot, powering the comprehensive sensor suite, weapons systems, and supercomputer driven AI, is a large bank of high density super capacitors, charged before every use.


Izuku now found himself in the middle of the core of the zero pointer. He's jumped so fast his legs haven't had time to break yet. Immediately, the massive amount of energy stored in the Zero Pointer's capacitors dump into him. Enough energy to power 20th century Tokyo for a day floods into his body. Cries of agony echo inside the robot and in the training area as Izuku's muscles spasm faster and faster, while his quirk feels like it went into overdrive.

The robot isn't immune from Izuku's fate either. It rapidly tries to redistribute power to keep itself upright. Stumbling around and smashing buildings and other robots. Some more rubble falls on the nice girl, but thankfully sits over her rather than on her. The robot stumbles back down the street it came for several blocks before getting a grip on some apartment complexes.

Unfortunately this did not help Izuku as he became a new electricity cable in the robot thanks to his position. Within the demolished walls of the building, a ground cable brushes against the metal exterior of the robot.

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